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    After the recent "ladies of X-height" posts..

    @thehindubrahmin This thread made me realize that I only knew my current weight because I had to weigh a suitcase lol. I was going on a trip with a lower than normal weight limit and wanted to avoid a nasty surprise at the airport. Otherwise I do not weigh myself. I don’t even look at the...
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    What's your "I know I should(n't) be doing this"?

    @dawn16 Ha! Same. If someone steps on my platform even when I’m resting, I get my hackles up. It’s totally fine of them to do and I’m an asshole, but I think I’m still jaded from working out at a gym where people would set up behind you on the platform without even asking you while you’re in the...
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    Please form check my squat and DL

    @hiskid8883 This. Ass to grass is neither desirable nor achievable for everyone.
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    Program Review - nSuns LP 4 & 5 Day Program

    @luigari I too have been running NSuns! Thanks for your great write up. Your progress is awesome. I’m so impressed you can do these workouts in under 90min, especially on squat and deadlift days. It usually takes me two hours. It’s such a great program and helps you make huge gains in a short...
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    Form Check - Squat and Deadlift

    @cirix Your squat looks pretty shaky. You don’t seem to be bracing, just dropping down into the squat, which is causing some torso lean. I also don’t think you’re hitting depth, but I can’t quite tell. Crease of hip should drop below knee. For your deadlift, your hips are rising first. Make...
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    Please form check my squat and DL

    @bobcat51992 Happy to help! Your squat might be just a touch high on some reps. Bar placement seems fine, just try to keep your wrists straight. Ah okay. I bet your back is a bit hyperextended then. I was just working on this with my coach. Try either shortening your ribs to your navel as...
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    Please form check my squat and DL

    @bobcat51992 Re: squat. I can see the swaying, but from the back it’s harder to diagnose. Can you post another from the side? I’d like to see where the bar is positioned on your shoulders — is it on your neck or traps? Your upper body wobbles a bit, so make sure you’re actively pulling the bar...
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    32 Workouts in 17 Days: Ask Me Anything!

    @acer621 Ah okay cool! Thanks! I was curious about the weight issue and what percentage you were using. Ugh I’m so sorry. It’s just so shitty that he up and did that with absolutely no warning. So shitty and dishonest. I hope it’s getting easier to cope with now.
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    32 Workouts in 17 Days: Ask Me Anything!

    @acer621 I’d love to know more about the EMOM workouts. I saw your post about bench followed by EMOM pushups and it sounded like the exact kind of masochism that I’m into at the gym. Thanks for the update! This was really interesting to read. I totally identify with using exercise to cope like...
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian It is! It’s so frustrating and exhausting. I have. When I first got up to those numbers, I did it by ignoring how my body was feeling. So I made some of my problems worse. I had to really drop the weights while I went on a quest of several physical therapists, chiropractors, and...
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian I’ve been lifting for six years. I previously was running 5/3/1 and I got to 110/200/270 lbs. Then I had a few years in there where I was battling chronic pain and backed off my lifts previously seriously. I am just finishing up running NSuns for a couple of months and I’m currently at...
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    nSuns Accessories

    @affitapoux Sumo is just so weird for my body. I’m not a fan. I get so much better carryover from RDL. But I should really give rack pulls a go, too. And yeah I do a TON of prehab. I have a labral tear in my hip and I had surgery for shoulder impingement many years ago, so I’m so paranoid of...
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    nSuns Accessories

    @affitapoux Oh no! I have so much empathy for that. I did so much physio for mine until I finally had surgery. I still have problems with it. I hope yours improves without needing surgery. :(
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    nSuns Accessories

    @affitapoux Sumo is just so weird for my body. I’m not a fan. I get so much better carryover from RDL. But I should really give rack pulls a go, too. And yeah I do a TON of prehab. I have a labral tear in my hip and I had surgery for shoulder impingement many years ago, so I’m so paranoid of...
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    nSuns Accessories

    @affitapoux This is such a great idea. I’m curious to see what other women and enby folks do, too. I’m running the 5-day NSuns (though at points in the past few months I’ve done the 6-day DL and squat versions). My accessories are mostly focused on rehab and injury prevention, as well as...
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    Deadlift form check (115 lbs, 135 lbs)

    @james512 From my viewing of your form videos, it looks like you’re starting with your hips way too low. That’s making it so that when you reverse the movement, you’re having to go around your knees. Position yourself with the bar over mid-foot. Then imagine you have really long arms down to...
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    Deadlift form check (115 lbs, 135 lbs)

    @james512 Re: grip. I would recommend straps or hook grip. I find it helps tremendously with being able to set my lats and keep my back straight. I just PRed my deadlift at 295lbs with hook grip. It’s murder on the thumbs at first, but then it’s a much stronger grip. You can try doing it just on...