nSuns Accessories


New member
Hey ladies!

I'm currently running nSuns (6 day DL) and even though I've looked through the accessory threads and the Hypertrophy Hub it seems as though most people commenting on the thread are male and want to do a ridiculous amount of volume on their chest and biceps. I want a nice chest and biceps as much as the next guy but I'm also really lacking in my deadlift so I would like to add accessories to up that volume

Anywho, just wondering if anybody is willing to share their accessories that they do on nSuns. I think it would be cool to see what us females are doing compared to the men.
@affitapoux I do the 4 day nsuns and then add in accessories from PHUL and I try to climb our indoor rockwall on sundays and I practice pull ups on arm days.

My butt is super lagging behind my arms. I'm trying to add more butt work
@affitapoux I do back accessories on upper body days (my main focus are my chin-ups and face pulls to improve OHP), also some bicep curls. On lower body days I do glute bridges and more back/pull, on squat days also good mornings. Those work your hamstrings so they might be really good for improving deadlifts.
@frankiebee Me and good mornings do not get along quite yet. My upper back and back as a whole are too weak to do anything more than the bar, and then I don’t feel anything in my hamstrings 😞 I’ve just been doing GHR and lying leg curls
@affitapoux I don't run nSuns anymore, but I did for several months.

My accessories on bench/OHP days were primarily rows to offset all of the pressing. I did pullups every arm day, and otherwise spread out dumbbbell rows, face pulls, and lat pull downs over the other three arm days. I also did plenty of bicep gurls, because a girl gotta have guns.

On leg days I was much less consistent. I found that squats/deads took a lot out of me, and I required a lot of stretching/warm up to feel comfortable since I lack in flexibility, so it would take a loonnggggg time to get through the two main sets. I would often just do GHR, and maybe some leg press work or hamstring curls, and call it a day. I used Candito for justification, who as far as I am aware programs very few lower body accessories in his programs. (But who knows, squat is also my worst lift BY FAR, so if I put more work into lower body accessories I might be in a better place.... )
@affitapoux Depends on what your problem is with deadlifts, but in general I'd say do some RDLs and other extra hamstring work. I do the 4 day version and in general I do sumo deads and RDLs for hamstrings, dumbbell rows and/or barbell rows and chin-ups/lat pulldowns for back. If a certain body part in particular starts lagging behind I'll do an extra exercise or two to target it but this is my usual
@dawn16 Around my knees tends to get sticky. It's the same with squats too (although my squat is higher than my DL currently). I have a very weak upper back too which I'm trying to work on with all the front squats and rack pulls. Do you just copy the accessories you do for both upper body and lower body days? That sounds way easier than what I was doing.
@affitapoux Maybe some glute work would help. That's the point when you're using your butt to sort of push forward. And just to make sure, is your center of gravity in front of your body when you deadlift?

And for the accessories I kind of just organize them how I feel like at the time since I get bored if I do the exact same thing every day. But usually I do the hamstring stuff on squat day and back stuff on deadlift day
@dawn16 Yeah I'm going to start adding in a lot more glute and hammie work I think. My form is fine. I've had 4 trainers check just to be on the safe side (I go to a uni gym, they all have B.Kin). It's actually even improved since then haha.

Gotcha, thats a good way to split it up. Thanks!
@affitapoux This is such a great idea. I’m curious to see what other women and enby folks do, too.

I’m running the 5-day NSuns (though at points in the past few months I’ve done the 6-day DL and squat versions). My accessories are mostly focused on rehab and injury prevention, as well as shoring up my weak points. I’m also working toward a pull-up.

Monday / Volume bench and OHP: I superset bench with band pull aparts and OHP with band-assisted pull-ups. If I’m feeling frisky, I’ll throw in some concentric holds. Then I do cable rows and lat pulldowns 4x10, followed by a plank series.

Tuesday / squat and sumo: I hate sumo, so I substitute Romanian deadlifts. If I can, I’ll superset them with banded sidesteps and banded clamshells. If I can’t, I do those exercises on their own. Then I do split squats with a band around my knee to work on my medial glutes. I finish with 4x10 hip thrust and my plank series.

Wednesday / OHP and incline bench: I superset incline bench with band pull aparts. Then I do five sets of concentric holds. Then I do face pulls, reverse fly, and lat pulldowns for4x10. Plank series follows.

Thursday / DL and front squat: I do either zercher squats or high bar back squats paused because front squats kill my upper body for bench the next day. Then I do banded Romanian deadlifts and hip thrusts superset with clamshells. I also do some kind of hamstring exercise, usually just on the machine or stability ball bridges. Then I do my planks (I do lots of planks and dead bugs).

Friday / heavy bench and close grip bench: I superset with — you guessed it — band pull aparts. Then I do my band assisted pull-ups. Then I do my lat pulldowns and cable rows 4x10 and my plank series.

I probably don’t do enough arms and shoulders, but those aren’t my goals, and all my lower body accessories are about staving off my probably inevitable hip surgery. I have a hyper-flexible lower back, so core stability work is a daily pursuit.
@alexhunting Hahaha, I hate sumo too so I subbed in rack pulls to help with my lockout. That's a lot of really epic prehab work, good for you. I wish I had done that a long time ago, maybe my shoulder wouldn't be in the condition its in now!
@affitapoux Sumo is just so weird for my body. I’m not a fan. I get so much better carryover from RDL. But I should really give rack pulls a go, too. And yeah I do a TON of prehab. I have a labral tear in my hip and I had surgery for shoulder impingement many years ago, so I’m so paranoid of wrecking myself further. I also do a bunch of stuff like wall slides and IYTs to warm up for upper body. I feel like half my gym time is prehab! Gah. Anyway, the band pull aparts are super helpful if you have a wonky shoulder. They also help your bench numbers.
@alexhunting Yikes those are some nasty injuries! I have a super bad shoulder impingement that 6 months of physio barely touched a hair on. Still doing my prehab work that they gave me though, but I make one wrong move during an upper body movement and I have neck/upper back problems for days. Mine was from a car accident though, that went undiagnosed for 6 years :p
@alexhunting Yikes those are some nasty injuries! I have a super bad shoulder impingement that 6 months of physio barely touched a hair on. Still doing my prehab work that they gave me though, but I make one wrong move during an upper body movement and I have neck/upper back problems for days. Mine was from a car accident though, that went undiagnosed for 6 years :p
@affitapoux Oh no! I have so much empathy for that. I did so much physio for mine until I finally had surgery. I still have problems with it. I hope yours improves without needing surgery. :(
@affitapoux Sumo is just so weird for my body. I’m not a fan. I get so much better carryover from RDL. But I should really give rack pulls a go, too. And yeah I do a TON of prehab. I have a labral tear in my hip and I had surgery for shoulder impingement many years ago, so I’m so paranoid of wrecking myself further. I also do a bunch of stuff like wall slides and IYTs to warm up for upper body. I feel like half my gym time is prehab! Gah. Anyway, the band pull aparts are super helpful if you have a wonky shoulder. They also help your bench numbers.
@affitapoux I'm doing the 6day squat variation with the aesthetic accessories from the accessory thread in /r/nsuns. I feel like I don't need much more work to help lower body though. The main lifts usually take care of everything for me.

You could always add more rows and maybe some farmers walk or even more deadlifts (that's a lot of dl!).