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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @socalbeach OT is the gold standard right now when it comes to tendinopathy. Everything else is likely a distraction
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @mrsc49017 I'm a bit late to reply but shoulder width makes one hell of a difference in weight. If your overall frame is just wider you are naturally going to be much heavier than someone with a smaller frame even tho he might be more muscular
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    "If you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, you're either a) too fat; b) too weak; or c) doing something wrong in your workouts." How true is this?

    @eugenius25 There is something deeply satisfying about setting milestones, writing them down, achieving them and checking them off.
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @jesusloverr What do you think about taking your front lever workout structure as a template for planche? Everything is the same, you just switch out the fl exercises for planche ones. So planche presses instead of fl raises and planche pushups instead of fl rows? I plan on combining this...