@thomaslowrens Does height affect the front lever? I honestly don't understand why.
I know the moment arm is bigger and the torque is
bigger but the pulling strength should be on par. Front lever correlates with weighted pullups pretty well considering the load on the lats can be similar if supporting muscles don't prohibit it. I've never seen bigger guys have problem with weighted pullups. I see big guys pulling insane weights every day
They also have bigger heads(your head acts like a counter balance)
They apperently have a harder time filing their frames so the weight of the leg isn't always a gigantic difference. I should look at some data comparing leg weights of men at different weights but I don't know how
Longer arms shouldn't make the movement harder. When the arms are longer the moment arm is bigger but the angle is steeper. The hold is at a different parts because of this but I can't know how strong we are at different ranges of motion of the movement so didn't take that into calculation. However when I try the lever in false grip it's easier. I don't know if it's because my arms are shorter with false grip or because I pull more with my forearms.
Ab strength isn't a hold back for almost anyone so I am not even considering that.
Note: I am 5'11 so don't really know how being tall works with calisthenics first hand nor I am calisthenics expert or even an intermediate practitioner. Please correct me if you know about the subject. This has been bothering me for days and I am glad I saw this post.