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    Help! Advice for beginner weight lift routine

    @emerald1000 I can't see anything really wrong with your routine. Only recommendation I can make is for your home gym to invest in a barbell. But I'm biased lol
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    Extremely confused about caloric deficits + healthy eating

    @simonpeter111 We eat to provide the body the nutrients it needs. You can eat all those things you mentioned, just eat a reasonable amount. You don't actually have to count calories, is just very helpful to do. You could just do portion control and that should result in a calorie deficit...
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    Feel like my bench press never improves

    @heislove1980 Try a program called nsuns, it has a lot of bench press. Is available on the Boostcamp app
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    @rlaguisma Your leg day is pretty lacking
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    Routine for in season

    @isaiah9six Run a more minimalist program. It will enable you to focus more on your sport
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    Soon to be starting a gym. In general tips?

    @thrivenotjustsurvive My advice. Short warm up cardio, longer post lifting cardio.
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    r/Fitness Basic Beginner Routine - Why squats and deadlifts at the end of the workout?

    @chery49 Technically all the exercises in the program are the biggest lift as they are all compound exercises. The leg exercises are probably last as they can be quite energy draining and usually takes longer to do than the upper body movements.
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    Critique my split!!

    @joyce65714 Oh, sorry. I should have asked "where leg day?"
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    Best machines for working out the back of the thighs that you can buy for home?

    @goldenangeleyes23 Best machine for back of the thighs would probably be a lying leg curl machine
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    Online v F2F

    @lovelywife3 PTs can be a complete waste of money, as all information they can give you is already available for free online.
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    M18 beginner workout

    @greatbuss run this
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    Critique my split!!

    @dad913 Where deadlift?
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    Beginner need advice

    @denn Use Boostcamp app to track your progress run this program on the app and then move on to some other program from the Wiki or app.
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    I want to lose 8 lbs in 1 month

    @colinpf That amount should be easy to lose. Just eat a tiny bit less than usual.
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    How bad is my training routine?

    @cliffordidepew follow this. Also get Boostcamp, on there you can find the other programs that is recommended by the wiki. Nsuns for example is fun if you want a challenge
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    Wahoo, I actually did it:)

    @daybeliever Thank you for the reminder to take a before pic, before I leave my gym hibernation
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    AITH: Gym edition

    @okegold You got to the equipment first, it is yours to use until done. I have never asked someone how many sets they have left, I just wait or do some other lift
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    Advice for a skinny person with little to no muscle?

    @delizzle Gym membership Lift Eat
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    Frustration with negative feedback

    @bobrobert Follow a proper program, then if someone says you're doing it wrong you can just say you're following a program