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  1. S

    Am I overtraining?

    @aud1 Do it at least with a day gap. This is not over training in 1 month. But it will become over training after 3-4 months if you don't add variation and take rest. You can also do Tricep work. Flat on floor dumbell press, Dumbell Deadlifts, lunges, dumbell Rows, Goblet Squat, Dumbell Fly etc...
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    How to spot Fake natty

    @sherri1263 The only fat burner that works is Heroine. You shoot it, pass out and forget to eat. Causing caloric deficit. There is no such thing as fat burner proven by evidence. The close one is hunger suppressers. But even those come with some side effects. Who in their right mind suggests...
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    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @justneverendingproblems21 You can't do much on diet means. Usually its safe to have a 500 calories deficit diet. But since your maintenance is so low. You can't go for that 500 deficit. 1200 is minimum in most guidelines below that is crash dieting. Yeah 10k steps and accurate calorie...
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    Help! Choosing the Right Vegan Protein

    @corinne1 You don't have to convince me. Clearly diet isn't important for you. It doesn't matter in long run. You will keep growing. But after 1-2 years you will hit a wall. Then maybe think about this.
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    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @jadethespade That's why I said this is different case and generic advice will just do more harm. OP need to consult a professional.
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    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @justneverendingproblems21 I just calculated your TDEE. Your maintenance calories are itself 1500. So that explains why you are barely losing any weight. So you should not be going above 1250 calories. Your case is tricky. Because I am seeing first time someone with a 1200 calories required...
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    Help! Choosing the Right Vegan Protein

    @corinne1 Because except Soy all other vegan protein powders lack essential amino acids. With Soy there is a estrogen harmonal dogma which isn't proved. Vegan protein foods is just Tofu and thats it. So it will very difficult to meet your protein intake.
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    L -Tyrosine - Anyone here, ever tried it ?

    @coffeeandprayer Are you competing or something? That's boat load of supplments.
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    Help! Choosing the Right Vegan Protein

    @aries_113 Causation and aggrevation are different things. Causation means it will be same for everyone. Lot of acnes caused by steroids gets blamed on Protein. The doctors look for easy diagnosis. Oh you are are taking whey, it must be causing acne.
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    Feeling disappointed.Pls help!

    @nanalove Weighing machine is very inaccurate way to measure fat loss. I used to look very different at same weight than I look now. I used to have chubby chicks at my current weight. Now I have veins bulging out of my face at same weight. I didn't belive it myself when wife pulled out old pics...
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    Help! Choosing the Right Vegan Protein

    @corinne1 2 It doesn't cause acne. What skin issue you have? Have you removed all dairy from your diet? You can try isolate. Or go for egg based protein.
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    Is this a decent diet plan for weight loss?

    @destined22 You are doing everything right except counting your calories. Your TDEE comes down to 2300 calories. So for 2kg weight loss. Your calories shouldn't go above 1800. When did you start the diet? How are you feeling on the diet? Increase the eggs and chicken slowly. If you are...
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    Help! Choosing the Right Vegan Protein

    @corinne1 Why vegan protein?
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    "Introduction to 'Beginner to Winner' Series & Community Appreciation

    @te15 Not to nitpick but Keto is a diet and IF and OMAD are fasting methods. Diets would be like - Keto, Low Carb, PSMF, Paleo, Carnivore, Vegan etc. Fasting methods - IF, OMAD, Water Fasting, Snake Diet(Rolling 48s/72s), Fat Fasting etc. You can combine diets and fasting methods together...
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    A word of caution

    @guitarrandy There is not much fake steroids. If we are being honest. We should not be doing fear mongering. India is the home of cheap pharma. Unless you are buying from shady sources. Everything in India is available via legit Pharmacy. They don't even ask for prescription. My local Pharmacy...
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    How long should be the bulking phase for a natural people. (One who don’t use any anabolics)

    @jenfer You are saying the same thing I said. I am aware of what you are saying. I was just dumbing down relevent info in short. Every post here is almost bro sciency. Can't correct everyone. For the last incorrect statement. I didn't condradict myself. When I say bulks work for experienced...
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    How long should be the bulking phase for a natural people. (One who don’t use any anabolics)

    @jenfer What part of my comment was false? Can you specify? You just reiterated what I said in different language.
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    How long should be the bulking phase for a natural people. (One who don’t use any anabolics)

    @madmoonsam Bulk/cuts are bro science and old school. As a natural you gain 500g max lean muscle per month. Thats the natural limit. Rest is fat. If you actually gained your strength should have increased. Which is not the case I see. Eat at smaller surplus like 300-400 calories. Bulks only...