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    Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

    @marimur Since everyone says stretch, I’m gonna say check out r/flexibility starter routine. I usually also add downward facing dog and pigeon (or figure 4) stretch too.
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    Beginner Calisthenics (Mostly) Hypertrophy Program for Women

    @carose I love gaining muscle in my upper body. Feeling so much stronger. Throwing away my 1/4 wardrobe gives me reasons to buy new clothes too. 😂 Also strong lat makes my waist looks smaller. I find OP’s point 6 a bit too generic. Not every woman want to look like T-Rex. Most Instagram...
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    Beginner Calisthenics (Mostly) Hypertrophy Program for Women

    @cbsmel 30s/F here. I do RR plus skills 2 times a week (unfortunately social + work schedule can’t fit 3 x 1.5-hour workouts) and it works fine. Had to throw away 1/4 of my wardrobe yesterday because many of my clothes no longer fit around the chest/shoulder/tricep area. (And I love my “new”...
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    New Years 2023 Announcement: BWF Primer Follow-along Event + BWSF Routine Soft-Launch!

    @fromgenesistorevelation Did you mean alternative path? I couldn’t do a handstand yet so handstand push up was a no go.
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    New Years 2023 Announcement: BWF Primer Follow-along Event + BWSF Routine Soft-Launch!

    @dontdosadness 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Been doing RR for a year and my own modified version for 4 months. Modified as in: I’ve actually stopped doing dips and added handstand progression for overhead push exercise, so I welcome this change and will probably add pike push up to my routine. I also added...
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    Beginner Calisthenics (Mostly) Hypertrophy Program for Women

    @tommymcfarland Agree. Got pretty strong core and legs even before I started RR. I still train total body, but focus most of my training on upper body. Edit to say: Also strong lat will give an illusion of a slimmer waist.
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    Because of my training, my clothes are starting to no longer fit

    @countrygurl32 I posted a question about “where do I find clothes? My office clothes don’t fit anymore” on bodyweightfitness subreddit two months ago. Instead of stop lifting / gaining muscles, the general consensus there was: good job putting on muscles! Now get plus size clothes and take...