Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

@marimur dude you literally just had a baby. Your FIRST BABY. In the dead of winter, too (unless you live southern hemisphere). If you're not busy caring for your baby or your wife or the house, then you should be sleeping.

Congrats and enjoy this very special time with your family. Bond with em, take it easy. Plenty of time to kill it running around when your family is done hibernating, which should be in a month or two.
@marimur In my opinion even though u feel ur muscles sore when u warm up because ur body is warm u don't feel it so personally I would tell u ge a warm up and start doing some push ups again (side note: get a pair of dumbells u would be amazed of the exercises u can do)
@marimur Just coming to say it’s not laughably little and don’t say that. Everything count, every single bit. Talk nicer to yourself.
Sometimes walking or sitting up and down for 5 minutes will work. It all adds up.
@marimur Stick to low impact stuff to start with. I have alot of joint issues so need to manage my regime carefully. Certainly as a start, walikng. Then consider other low impact stuff i.e. swimming, cycling, pilates, yoga. Then as you strength builds you can start to consider higher impact stuff if you want. There's an app I used called Fiton has lost of good low impact stuff on it.
@marimur Yeah walking is great. Stay with it! We are all on different journeys. You are wanting to to start being healthy for your family and like they say every journey starts with a single step. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Exercise, diet, and rest. Good luck we all believe in you.
@marimur Maybe try some lighter maybe cardio like taking a walk or maybe light sprinting may work. Disclaimer: ( if you’re seriously overweight and out of shape do not try sprinting first cause of mobility, endurance , and that you’re in a higher risk for injury cause of weight. If you was to sprint I’d reccomend to get your mobility up and your weight a little down first
@marimur My go to is; ignore what everyone says and do either sitting cycles for an hour or inclined treadmill on like 2.5/3 mph. Do that for an hour daily, the fat shreds off.
@marimur Walking and planks. Walking is always good and my doctor recently recommended planking for upper body strengthening which isn’t too stressful on the arms/shoulders/neck.
@marimur Check out bigger leaner stronger. its a book, but its AMAZING as far as breaking down what our bodies actually need, what the food we eat does, and why, and it details a workout routine he personally created, and offers.As far as laughable? Bud when i first worked out again after years of minimal physical activity, the day after i did like 60(less than great) burpies, i couldnt walk, climb stairs, lift my arms. So much pain. in fact, I couldnt climb up the ladder at the park when i took the son. (It had like 6 pegs total. I was in so much pain for a week i didnt try again for another like 2 months.. smh..

Keep at it. And If you to sore, do some STRECHING. Yoga is incredibly difficult, hella ass kicking workout. But any time you wanna do something for 5 minutes and cant cause of pain, those muscles need to be streched anyway. itll help with the soreness significantly.


This dude would was clasified as obese,decided he wanted to make a change so he went the the gym 5 times a week for a year, did one rep of a workout and then went home. Building the habit, and routine of going. then in 9 months was no longer obese, developed great eating habits, improved his life 10 fold. do what you have to. but do it consistently
@marimur The fact you care and are putting out is 90% of the battle. The effort you're putting isn't laughably little, you're doing what so many can't. That said, squats, lunges, and jogging. Keep up the good work.