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    What’s your Fran time?

    @asphaltpotato 2:51 36 years old. 5’10” 195lbs
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    Andrew Hiller Open Ban?

    @leggomymeggo Hiller has also made a point to tell people to not sign up and now seems to be telling ppl to sign up as a stunt. CrossFit owes it to its audience(s) to curb this type of behavior imo.
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 1: 2007 Reload

    @pnao Chandler Smith is on demo. Ben just did it with his 5am class at his box.
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals Event 1: 2007 Reload

    @jonjones229 Ben Smith did Event 1 this morning in 13:43 UB. I think Mat get sub 12 tbh.
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    2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

    @thespeedboy I’m recovering from a herniated disc and won’t be able to be “competitive” in CrossFit anymore. I didn’t sign up but I’m checking my scores and I believe I’m in the top 10% (which was the goal beyond having fun). 23.1 - 186 (wall balls were scary) 23.2a - 148 23.2b - 225 (hang...
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    What’s a go to longer zone 2 conditioning workout

    @chibisensei21 Cycling/swimming/hiking
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    Women’s vs men’s barbell

    @kennedy11 And if you store it there buy a lock to go on the sleeve
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    Metcons and weight management

    @norm No. Metcons are usually too short and too high heart rate. You’d need to add hour+ of zone 2 weekly (or more) to burn at a deficit.