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  1. N

    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @cybernetic Are you sure you are accurately estimating your RPE? Have you ever failed a rep? The trouble for RPE for early beginners is they often underestimate themselves.
  2. N

    DEXA says I'm obese - 36% body fat - thoughts?

    @marwils DEXA can be 10% inaccurate (although usually isn't) which at 36 is 3.6 so it is at least possible you are 32.4 which is closer to your estimate.
  3. N

    Recommend me a program

    @ajko Gzclp is basically perfect for everything you said. Neither Stronglifts or Starting Strength are recommended by any of the fitness subs.
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    I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

    @shiwang90 Find a program off the fitness wiki and follow it, there are bodyweight ones if that is your desire. It's worth giving the entire fitness wiki a read too if you're unsure on the basics. If you're untrained then you really don't have muscle to lose and the weight you've lost will be...
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    How do y’all eat so much protein?

    @leightonh This person is wrong, don't listen to them.
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    What are you current max lifts by body weight?

    @ampersand You must be the only guy ever in history to give a conservative answer for their lifts.
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    How do y’all eat so much protein?

    @kim2116 This person doesn't know what they're talking about, I wouldn't listen to them.
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    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @tetabecky In most people.
  9. N

    I did it! 205 lbs x 2 deadlift

    @inlovewithmybestfriend Haha no worries, a surprising amount of people forget there are lower handles as well as the high ones!
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    I did it! 205 lbs x 2 deadlift

    @inlovewithmybestfriend Good job. If you wanted to increase the range of motion a bit you can of course lift with the bottom handles if your body currently lets you.