I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

@joyce65714 Studies are just written by people, reference the pantheon of dieties. Not studies, not literature reviews, not position stands, the pantheon
@torie Imagine your god's honest opinion being that studies are just "written by people" and are subject to peer review and scientific criticism.
@bhish Apparently mrv doesn’t exist. They did a study and showed more work always equals more muscle growth. Even up to 52 sets of quads a week. Like 9 sets of leg press, squats, and leg extensions each one day then 4 4 4 or something 3 days later. All done to an rpe 8 for sets of 12.

I don’t really believe it. There wasn’t much of a performance drop if I remember correctly.

What can I even do with that information. In no way shape or form am I going to submit myself to that level of nonsense.
@bhish That is a real question, but I think for exercise scientists. I don’t think the study is useful for people who exercise at all.

The end user is just going to burn themselves out. That’s why trainers exist. You need to turn that weird theory into practical advice.
@sherryfl Right that part I understand, it's just a cooky fun experiment as far as I am concerned.

However, I don't know what the abbreviation MRV even means.
@joyce65714 There is a hierarchy of information source quality, sure. That said, information from sources other than RCTs, even purely anecdotal ones, still has value, so long as it makes reasonable sense and does not contradict more rigorous research. If you’re trying to piece together a cohesive training plan based only on studies, you’re going to have a hard time. There simply is not yet a large enough body of literature to do so.
@shiwang90 Find a program off the fitness wiki and follow it, there are bodyweight ones if that is your desire.

It's worth giving the entire fitness wiki a read too if you're unsure on the basics.

If you're untrained then you really don't have muscle to lose and the weight you've lost will be fat. There aren't really any completely accurate ways of measuring body fat so don't stress about that. Focus on getting lighter and getting stronger and you'll soon see visible results.