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    Can you make good gains with like 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner?

    @dimefractal I hope you are right, I have young kids so I’m about a decade away from getting more than 6 a night.
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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @backes007 It’s just technique. It just has to click one day and then you are good go
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    What does r/fitness not understand about CrossFit?

    @oddrob Yes, you are right, that's exactly it. I can't put my finger on it, but it really does also have to do with it looking kind of "ugly". A push jerk is a 'cheater' version of an overhead press, but I find it beautiful to witness which I can't say for the butterfly, and I don't really...
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    What does r/fitness not understand about CrossFit?

    @oddrob I don't think my issue is that I think that they are easy, I just don't see any use for them outside of competitive crossfit. Most movements in crossfit are used outside of crossfit in all sorts of athletic programs, but the butterfly seems pretty exclusive to the gamification of the sport.
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    What does r/fitness not understand about CrossFit?

    @1corithians13 This is 90% of CrossFit hate. And honestly, it’s kind of hard to blame them. Butterfly pull-ups are atrocious. It’s like watching a power lifter snap their back in half so they can reduce their bench press ROM, or pulling wide sumo and getting the plates a few inches off the...
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    Overhead squats makes me so f**king angry

    @mksamas You are not alone. It’s a mobility thing. I know guys that can easily squat 225+ but struggle to OHS even 95.
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    What was your gym-jury this week?

    @noelcraddock I did a shit ton of muscle ups this week, probably about 60-70 total. This made me very happy. My shoulder hurts now.
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    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @leona As a small person, the movements look like: Literally impossible Easy Literally impossible Easy
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    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @kexonplastic I felt physical and mental pain just reading the description
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    I’m the crying girl

    @gypsyroseiyer Agreed, it’s actually good motivation for me to finish because I want the nightmare to end as quick as possible
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    Coaches.. there are other movements than burpees.. #justsaying

    @livingphoenix I’m really good at HSPU but I agree. Minus issues with rack space, strict press is better in every way
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    already dreading tommorow's cringe 9/11 tribute

    @zongruger Yeah this reeks of bullshit.
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    I did it! 205 lbs x 2 deadlift

    @beachgirl78 The ROM. It’s a block pull.
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    Bad Programming

    @duskborn What did you do this week, I can tell you if it’s CAP