@whitehorse I’ve cried at the gym 3 times.
1st time was because a coach went out of their way to be snarky to me and use me as an example of what not to do (it was in a super rude and mean girl way). I felt sad and embarrassed and mad that I was doing my best and it wasn’t good enough (it was about doing step ups, not even anything technical). I went to the bathroom and cried, then pulled myself together and left saying I felt sick.
That coach didn’t last much longer with her bad attitude.
2nd time was because I had a panic attack. I have PTSD and i was just having a hard day. Mid workout I just started having a bad panic attack. I just stopped my workout, walked over to my coach and explained what was happening. He sat down with me and made sure I was ok and I left early.
3rd time was after completing my first open last year. I was 2 months back after having my daughter and the workouts were particularly hard since I was basically starting over and had gained a lot of weight during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalances. I hugged the coach who had been working with me and cried.
Crying happens. As long as you don’t make it a major thing, no one else will see it as a major thing.