@annamarinewife Take into account the weekly trend, not individual days. So if you’re average weight of a given week is higher than the previous weeks average, you’re likely in a surplus, if the same then it’s maintenance, if less then it’s a deficit.
@neverbeenalone Get strong as fuck at weighted chin/pull-ups, bent over rows, chest supported rows and hip hinges (RDL, SLDL, deficit deads, good mornings, etc). You’ll have a wide & beefy back if you can get very strong at those movement patterns
@katy89 getting another rep with help from a spotter isn’t getting another rep.
But anyways, the barbell bench press seems to be a particularly hard movement to progress. I find I progress more linearly on movements where my chest gets stretched significantly at the bottom (certain machine...
@chiyanjano here is a good program I made you can run. The main program is 3x a week, but if you scroll down to the bottom there’s a Push/pull modification that’s 4x a week
@faithfulmommy1821 5 sets of good mornings (assuming they’re actually hard sets) would ruin me for a week, especially if i already did 2 hard sets of RDLs. This workout seems completely made up with no thought behind it
@bronsontaur Agreed. Also, personally another reason I like to keep protein high is that I tend to overeat and binge if my diet isnt consistently high in protein and fiber. I’m the opposite of a hard gainer lol
@ksimmons4494 You don’t need even close to that much protein. Take it down to 200g and get a hefty serving of veggies with each meal to increase fiber intake. That should improve your digestion issues greatly. Even if 3500 calories is technically a surplus for you, if your bowel movements are as...
@harley If a high rep set of squats or deadlifts tires the lifter out and doesn’t allow the target musculature to be the limiting factor, then high reps aren’t gonna be great for that specific lift for that specific individual.
@bronsontaur Low to moderate protein diets are probably fine given you’re in a calorie surplus since carbs and fats are protein sparing. However, try going low protein in a deficit, I bet you’d lost muscle decently faster than if you kept protein high