Honestly feel like the protein numbers that are given regularly are complete bullshit


New member
Weve all heard the .8 to 1g of protein per pound figure for protein intake. Ive never seen this level of protein provide any more benefit to my growth than .5 to .6.

Ive eaten as little as 70 to 80 grams a day and still seen good growth as long as my calories are in surplus.

I have a sneaking suspicion that many of these numbers are massively inflated in order to push protein supplementation. But thats a speculation.

Feel free to call me dumb but in my n=1 experience the numbers dont add up.
@bronsontaur Low to moderate protein diets are probably fine given you’re in a calorie surplus since carbs and fats are protein sparing. However, try going low protein in a deficit, I bet you’d lost muscle decently faster than if you kept protein high
@marknc Is this because whey has more amino acids? I’ve been hitting my daily protein for 3mo on my first cut but it’s typically from Orgain plant based protein powder (I had a huge stockpile of it) should I switch over?
@ggdd Yes but also its just nice to have a super low calorie 40 grams of protein before bed without having to eat another cut meal. This is the end of the cut. Like the maintenance phase. Il maybe use two jugs of whey the entire year and its during the very end. When you can't look at another chicken breast or bowl of 0% Greek yogurt its a good supplement. After you have eaten . I will also have it on second work break. Eat my breakfast. Have some chicken during break. Then lunch. Then a shake around 2pm before dinner. Than one before bed.

You don't need it. You can 100% program without it. And I do 10 months out of the year. It just makes my life a bit easier during those miserable 60 days when you feel like shit but are peeled lol
@ggdd I do not know that brand. Just read the reviews and look for the cals per serving. It should be 25 grams protein per serving for good quality.
@marknc I have never understood this logic. I can easily hit my 235g protein eating whole foods in a cut. I'd rather eat, then drink my cals, maybe that's just me. A nice hot plate of food makes me feel much better than a 30 second cold shake.
@shayda I drink whey once a day for like a 6 week period.its cool you don't have to. I usually have it for a coffee break mid day just to top up .
@doks I shouldve added that caveat tbh. I personally do agree youre gonna need more in a cut. Im just not big enough to worth being in a cut and am glad to be 18% bodyfat and progressing so i didnt think about it.
@bronsontaur Agreed. Also, personally another reason I like to keep protein high is that I tend to overeat and binge if my diet isnt consistently high in protein and fiber. I’m the opposite of a hard gainer lol
@bronsontaur I've always thought these numbers fall into the whole "optimal" training mindset. If you cut and bulk and diet and train at 90% efficiency for 10 years, you'll look amazing. If you train "optimally," you can reach the same aesthetic in 8-9 years (just making up numbers but you get the point). I'm sure theres some study that shows 1g/lb is optimal, but at the end of the day the most important thing is whatever you can do consistently.