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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE11: The Alpaca

    @godsknightdavid Well I don't know what to say. I think it's a weird thing to hate. It's motivating and fun. You win some and you lose some and it's nice having people around you cheering you on.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE11: The Alpaca

    @dawn16 I'm very competitive and like it. It helps you find another gear.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Teams / Age Group / Adaptive Discussion Thread Saturday

    @pix It wasn't disrespectful. She was having fun. Everyone knows who Annie is and she was playing on that. The only thing that is cringey is being bothered by the comment.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Teams / Age Group / Adaptive Discussion Thread Saturday

    @superyob Come on. It was tongue in cheek for fun.
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    2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

    As the title says, how are everyone's goals for the 2023 open going? I am falling short of mine. I set a goal of making the quarterfinals after my first open last year where I finished in the 69th percentile. I started doing crossfit during the final workout from the 2021 open and then...
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @outlook2018 Falsifying is a bit strong. There is still time to correct errors and check video.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @outlook2018 How is this Crossfit's problem? The rules are very clear. It's not their fault if people, who are paid to do this as a job, did not read the rules.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @sadkitty Each rep starts with the athlete’s feet clearly behind the start line At each turnaround, both feet and one hand must touch the ground over the line before the athlete may return. Stepping on or touching the line will not count. On the final shuttle run, the athlete must simply pass...
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    24.3,24.4= 21.3,21.4?

    @dale1257 I feel like we're more likely to see 12.1 with how it's gone so far.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @giftsigns The time between these heats seems like WAY too much.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @sadkitty If you look up what a shuttle run is then it would make sense. The entire purpose of a shuttle run is a down and back motion. It's literally what the movement is designed to be. It only makes sense that one rep would be down and back. That said, the rules are not even remotely...
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE11: The Alpaca

    @john25 He did not. He looked good for the first half of the workout but gassed out and finished 7th. Roman won the event and took over 2nd place overall. Medeiros finished 2 spots ahead of him. Medeiros has a 23 point lead over Roman who is 2 up on Garard.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @outlook2018 If a professional misreads the rules to something pertaining to their job then they deserve whatever consequences arise from that. No concessions should be made for the people who didn't follow the rules and they should be forced to eat their mistakes.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @olboodog Consider it a way to weed people out. I'd argue that anyone who failed to properly understand some very simple English is entirely to blame for their error. I don't put an ounce of blame on Crossfit. Reading comprehension and attention to detail is important.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @olboodog It's very clear. If one rep is down and back and the round calls for 16 reps then it's pretty simple what one needs to do. If a person is not able to easily understand that then I question their mental fitness. It's incredibly clear. I would argue that the current way of...
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @faithfullyfit I like Laura and Tia. I don't know if Laura can beat Tia come games time, though. This was super impressive for Tia to still almost win.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @sadkitty • One repetition of the shuttle run = down the length of the competition floor and back. Copied directly from the rules. It flat out says down and back is one rep.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @aaron2025 I don't think there was an asterisk. Beating Tia here doesn't really "prove" anything though and isn't going to change anyone's mind. If anything, it lends more to the idea that she only won because Tia wasn't there because 6 month post-partum Tia almost beat her when you can...
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Teams/Age Group/Adaptive Discussion Thread Friday

    @jonjones229 I don't think Lauren Fisher actually completed a single handstand pushup rep. It did not look like her head was really coming close to the line.