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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris you sure do, IDK why more people aren't into it
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris Yep, eventually it should slow down or plateau a bit, enjoy building muscle quickly while it lasts! I have been through it, I like getting super hungry just because it lets me know that the program is working
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    Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

    @jacksoncris with strength training, it isn't so much the calories you burn during your workout as it is the energy your body needs to build muscle and eventually just having a higher metabolism
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    How long can it take to see significant improvement in cardio endurance?

    @kmar123 Depending on how heavy you're lifting and how you're scheduling your workouts, it might be worth it to ease up on the weights a bit if you want to build up your cardio endurance. This is purely anecdotal but I find I need to prioritize either getting stronger or getting faster. My body...
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    Struggling to lose weight, 22 y/o female, 131 lbs

    @dawn16 I'll second this. Trying to lose fat through cardio and calorie restriction alone is a miserable way to live. Lifting will give you more definition, raise your metabolism, and likely help your cardio performance. And lift heavy, low weight/high reps aren't going to do much.