Insatiable appetite since I started lifting

@jacksoncris Just roll with it and trust your body. Ensure that every meal and snack, as best as possible, has a balance of carbohydrate, protein, fibre, fat and fluid (very important this one!) to keep yourself as full and satisfied as possible. Make sure you’re enjoying your food too. Satiation also has a mental/taste aspect. I could eat chicken, brown rice and broccoli all day long and still be starving
@tlb73737 Also I wanted to add that I do find my diet quite satisfying and I do have treats when I’m craving them. I’d say I hit a good balance of healthy and yummy, it’s just recently I’m eating soooooo much more than I normally would. It feels like an uncontrollable monster appetite! Like how I felt when I was pregnant.
@tlb73737 I love this advice. Trusting your body is key! Your body wants to be healthy so it will show you the way if you read the signals correctly
@jacksoncris Multiple times. Trust your body and listen to it! ETA your body is probably busy building glycogen stores that you’ve been depleting. You need carbs and fluid to help it out.
@jacksoncris I experienced his monster hunger, interestingly not after lifting but after every swimming practice.
I'm a lifeguard, so we do burn calories swimming (think diving, breath training, pushing or pulling weight under water) and after every practice my husband knows to have dinner ready or else I'm hangry.
@ridoy002 My usual workout is 1 hour ish of lifting then a 20ish minute swim and I am constantly ravenous so I think I might have some kind of monster hybrid hunger lol :-D
@jacksoncris with strength training, it isn't so much the calories you burn during your workout as it is the energy your body needs to build muscle and eventually just having a higher metabolism
@jacksoncris Yep, eventually it should slow down or plateau a bit, enjoy building muscle quickly while it lasts!

I have been through it, I like getting super hungry just because it lets me know that the program is working
@teriinnevada That's a great way to think about it! I've had food issues in the past, but trying to am working on shifting my focus from anger at my body for feeling hungry to being grateful that it will be putting food to good use, and for all that it allows me to do.