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  1. J

    Finally got dumbbells and…

    @kaylarose3 I’ve been lifting off and on for 20+ years and I’m just now doing reps with 30lbs, which is like 14kg? I hate being American, lol.
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    How do you handle eating out or social settings when trying to lose?

    @eyezup Fine. But that’s weird. I couldn’t care less what my friends are ordering, unless I want to try it. But I’m also someone who doesn’t give two shits if someone comments on what I’m ordering.
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    How do you handle eating out or social settings when trying to lose?

    @medjugorje What kind of friends notice or make comments about ordering healthier or skipping alcohol? That is so weird to me but then again I’m 40 and all my friends are 35 and up. Don’t tell people anything, just shrug and say “I’m ordering what I want.”
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @rivermermaid My workout playlist and my twerk playlist are the same playlist 😆
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    How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

    @gotquestion I take 2min rest between every single set. 2-3min is the recommendation.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @curiouseeker My husband is like that but I don’t even notice them. You try and make me drink a regular pop though and I’d rather be waterboarded😆
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    How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

    @gotquestion I also do a 4x upper lower split and if I’m rushing myself and only taking 90sec rest, I can sometimes finish in around 35min. I do 5-6 exercises per day. I honestly can’t even comprehend how you get though 3-4 sets (I only always do 3 sets of 7-10) of all of these in 15-20min, it...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @curiouseeker Probably? That’s not something I pay attention to, in all honesty.
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @skillz I drink the lemonade almost every day at the gym, I love it.
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    Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

    @jessica50332 You are absolutely not “bulky,” coming from someone who loves and strives for bulk.
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @angel33babygirl I have a shirt that says “stronger thighs” in the style of the Stranger Things logo, which of course I wear on leg days, lol. (It’s from Dr.Susie.Squats on instagram, btw.)
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    How do you pump yourself up to go hard?

    @allthingsarebecomenew I look around at all the annoying men and that inherently gets me psyched to pick up heavy shit. Only half joking. To be fair, I’ve been lifting off and on for 20yrs and I love it, so once I’m dressed and at the gym, I don’t really have to pump myself up to go hard, I...
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    what is your fav low calorie breakfast?

    @lw97nils Mine is 360 cals and 45g protein. 170g plain nonfat Greek yogurt, 25g vanilla protein powder, one stevia packet, 20g Kind peanut butter granola, and about 200g strawberries. I have that almost every day. If I want something heartier, I also like chicken apple gouda sausages that are...
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @skillz I’m sure it’s difficult if you don’t gravitate to it naturally. Good luck!
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    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    @skillz I hate to rain on your parade but if you want to recomp and you’re 170lbs, you will need a lot more than 75g protein. Your absolute bare bottom minimum should be 100g but 120-140g would be a better goal. You say you don’t like protein but you like a bunch of meats and yogurt and eggs...
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    Ideal Weight

    @cscotte I’m familiar with this guy also (and RP) but I still thought it was Joe Rogan for a split second and was about to go nuclear, lolol.
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    Weight lifting makes me irritable (but running doesn’t)

    @danieljames Same. Weightlifting is my high endorphin happy time. I’m a happy go lucky hulk smash. I also run half marathons but I’m generally not happy about it, lol. If I wasn’t dealing with constant injury lately, I’d probably enjoy running more.
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    Advice - protein/defecit

    @weewillie The breakfast was a red flag for me, too. I get 45g with Greek yogurt, protein powder, some fruit and granola. I’m on a cut, too, eating 1700-1800 with 150g protein.
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    Adding Glutes to Thinner Leaner Stronger 1 year plan?

    @phouglas Regarding strong curves: I have this comment saved so I can copy/paste where necessary. For anyone who doesn’t know, Bret Contreras is a dirt bag trash human. Don’t give him social follows, don’t buy anything from him, etc etc. Info in the FAQ here or you can Google it. Use his...