How do you handle eating out or social settings when trying to lose?


New member
I have tried so hard to lose weight, and I do so good at home during the week. Then the weekend starts and the social stuff ramps up and it’s so hard to control once I’m out. Especially because I feel like people notice if you order healthier things or say no to alcohol for example. I don’t like to have to tell people when I’m trying to lose weight, and I just feel like I need to stay home all the time in order to lose weight successfully. Because once I’m out, things get so hard. So how do y’all do it? I haven’t been able to lose much thanks to the weekends.
@medjugorje If you can look at the menu in advance I find that really helps. It’s easier to plan ahead for a lower calorie meal than to get there and choose when you’re hungry!

I usually do have to be really careful for the rest of the day when I’m going out - I’ll have just veg basically for the rest of the day to accommodate it.

I also do up my intake a bit on one weekend day, because I also do a long run then so I am super hungry and have used more calories than usual.
@medjugorje Don’t tell them you’re trying to lose weight because that’s when you get comments about “letting loose a little”, etc. look at the menu ahead and eat super light all of your other meals to compensate
@medjugorje Sometimes I decline the invitation, sometimes I go.

I may try to eat half an entree, but I don't always succeed at that, so I'll usually order something off the ~ healthy ~ side of the menu. Steak & veggies, and ask someone to split fries because they're my favorite.

As for drinks, 1 max, but I could do 2 if I really wanted to. That said, usually 0 drinks. If anyone said anything about me getting a soda, I just say that's what I feel like having.

I now try to stay in my cal goal, but figure I will occasionally just have a day over it. If I'm trying to stay within it, then I'll eat yogurt at breakfast to try to keep protein up on a small portion, then do something similar at lunch like a cottage cheese bowl. I eat if I'm hungry though.

Someone I know always says "oh I'm not having anything" at restaurants. A little weird? Yes, but who cares. Also, not weird if it's just once.
@medjugorje What kind of friends notice or make comments about ordering healthier or skipping alcohol? That is so weird to me but then again I’m 40 and all my friends are 35 and up. Don’t tell people anything, just shrug and say “I’m ordering what I want.”
@eyezup Fine. But that’s weird. I couldn’t care less what my friends are ordering, unless I want to try it. But I’m also someone who doesn’t give two shits if someone comments on what I’m ordering.
@medjugorje If I’m going to a pub I’ll mostly drink beer, I don’t know why it have a bad name but if it’s blond beer it’s about 140 cal for a 330ml glass, and if I want I’ll feel absolutely fine to have more than 1 glass. If everyone ordering French fries or anything I’ll say I don’t want. But if you are sharing it’s not that bad.
Try to avoid cocktails.
Restaurant in general I don’t go out to too often but try to avoid fried stuff, that a caloric trap. If you can recognise and see most of the ingredients- it’s the best:)
But in general I’m just trying to plan a head, I’ll allow myself everything as long as it’s in my caloric frame or a bit above (mostly it’s a bit above but it’s ok)
@medjugorje Look at menu ahead of time to pre plan what I'll eat so I don't impulsively order something unhealthy just because I'm starving in the moment

Adjust any other meals for the day with the knowledge that the outside meal will be higher calories. This usually means relying on protein shakes or skipping snacks.

Only order 1 drink or no drink at all. I always stick to water unless I'm at a Mexican restaurant because I'm a sucker for a strong margarita!

Bring Tupperware so you can take half home without smelling it in the car and wanting to finish it at home. I suck at this, but it's an idea that sounded nice when a friend shared their methods.

Learn to only eat when hungry. I'm usually pretty bad about constantly grazing at parties with buffets. It's usually because I'm nervous and want something to do with my hands, or because I'm drinking and want something salty to offset the sharpness of the alcohol, which are not good enough reasons for extra calories.

Switch to alcoholic drinks that are lower calories.
@medjugorje I eat a little more at the event and less the next day because I’m still full.

As I got older from 20s to 30s, more people around me also became more conscious of eating healthier, enjoying walks after, or not drinking as much.

If you’re doing this a lot, have a plan like lower calorie foods/drinks, not finish a big portion, eat slower and drink more water.
@medjugorje If I’m going out to a restaurant and want to indulge I usually make it my only meal that day. A light snack before if I’m really hungry, like Greek yogurt, some eggs or a protein bar.