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    Need fitness routine for feminine tone

    @dawn16 Yeah Squat, Deadlift, Lunge... Add in some Clean and Press... and maybe some sort of Pull (chin up or cable row). 3 sets of 8 with minimum rest 3x per week.
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    Noob question about 4 vs 5 day splits

    @cassuk11 Here is one that works M - Upper - Heavy - Bench, DB Clean + OHP, Chin Up Tu - Lower - Heavy - Squat, RDL, Lunge Th - Upper - Light - Bench, DB Clean + OHP, Chin Up F - Lower - Light - Squat, RDL, Lunge Not sure what rep schemes you are using but on the light day do 1 or 2 sets...
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    Looking for dumbbell recommendations

    @bow2me Tbh I'd buy a bunch of used plates and some Kensui handles. If you're buying a 55lb set of adjustable I might check out the Nordic Tracks as they actually have a normal dumbbell shape...
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @luvpinky I hate how he makes the site look.
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    Anyone run The Giant with other exercises?

    @anojinzouningen In his new plan Easy Muscle, it's kinda like the Giant + a few sets of squats or chins.
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    Minimalist program

    @archieraptor I'd do Iron Cardio
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    Home gym routine for 39 y.o. F ?

    @franklampard14 Yes
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    Kettlebell noob here, would appreciate some tailored advice for what to buy to supplement my research. :)

    @gregory_r_g For a similar price as a 16 and 24 you could get an adjustable one from Rogue or Kettlebell Kings. Eg
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    Home gym routine for 39 y.o. F ?

    @franklampard14 Easy Strength for fat loss. Been running this myself. Dropped about 13kg since May and gained 10-15% strength (not bad considering my level is more intermediate to advanced... my daughter nearly doubled her strength in 6 weeks). Thing is, it is so easy it is hard to make an...
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    Pat Flynn’s Get Strong 10-5-3

    @nj123 Thought this was a genius routine. Best thing he may have ever come up with just for the simplicity of it.