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    Will This Workout get me a Good Aesthetic Look?

    @kraftykuts007 You'd be neglecting major muscle groups, which would lead to both visible and invisible muscle imbalance and possible risk of injury. If you're going to cut out a major compound exercise, choose rows. Together, chin-ups and deadlifts can recruit most of the muscles involved...
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    Resistance bands

    @tim53 Beginner weight resistance strength training program Beginner cardio training program Beginner isometric stretching program Concurrent strength training and cardio training is optimal for fat loss (source). Building muscle mass increases your metabolism which means you burn more...
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    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @tabularasa Biceps benefit comparatively more from chin-ups and rows. Triceps don't really get the same comparative attention from bench and overhead press, especially the long head. Focus on programming that prioritizes volume with triceps exercises such as overhead extensions, dips, and...
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    Will This Workout get me a Good Aesthetic Look?

    @kraftykuts007 Reflecting on this could be a salient point of improvement. Of course there are garbage programs out there, but popular ones recommended by knowledgeable people are designed by educated and trained professionals who know what they're talking about. You're way overemphasizing...
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    Need a 5 day split with the equipment I have

    @stairwaytodavid Each major compound exercise 2-4 times a week obliging 48h of recovery time between muscle groups. Dip negatives and skullcrushers as progressions to bodyweight dips. Interval training with LISS cardio is the most comfortable way to increase cardio performance, HIIT will be...
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    Need a 5 day split with the equipment I have

    @stairwaytodavid There are six major movements: Vertical pull (pull-ups/lat pull-downs) Vertical push (overhead press) Horizontal pull (rows) Horizontal push (bench press/push-ups) Anterior chain (squats) Posterior chain (deadlifts) Evidence suggests (source) that the programming to promote...
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    @azchowdhury1962 Calculate the calories:protein ratio to optimize your diet. The ol reliable of chicken breast and broccoli will carry you a lot of the way if you have a lot of different recipes to mix up the tediousness. Focus on whole foods such as meat (low fat red, white, fish), eggs...
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    The case for more stretching

    @alfie13 What isometric stretching programs did you come across? Do you have any preferred programs to share? For those looking for a beginner program, this is an accessible one that fulfills criteria OP mentioned; post-workout full body 1m isometric stretches with minimal equipment.
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    r/bodyweightfitness featured on the Guardian’s list of featured fitness resources to use during the Coronavirus outbreak

    @dawn16 There are always infinitely more lurkers who actually have honest questions like that which are helped massively by honest answers.
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    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @gigi_ram Those are mutually exclusive choices, you can pick either one according to whatever works best for your personal schedule
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    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @gigi_ram Strength training: 3 days of full body frequency (day 1: train, day 2: active recovery, repeat) 6 days of split frequency (day 1: pull exercises, day 2: push exercises, day 3: leg exercises, repeat, day 7: active recovery) Cardio training: 3 days a week is fine and can be neatly...
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    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @gigi_ram The programs mentioned above: Beginner weight resistance strength training program Beginner cardio training program Beginner isometric stretching program Graduating from these programs would include intermediate goals, which are also easy to find programs for. There's not a lot of...
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    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @gigi_ram Don't let analysis paralysis keep you from starting and being consistent with one program. Such an inordinately high rep range is not going to produce any strength gains. Instead, try unilateral body squats with a conventional rep-set modality like 3x8. Just be careful not to get...
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    I bought a stair stepper as a way to beat sitting down all day at home, how long should I exercise a day?

    @amanwalking Probably because you included a referral in the link
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    Workout Dilemma! (+ Rate my workout)

    @gigi_ram You're really overthinking and overworking here. For the goals of general fitness (especially as a beginner), all you really need in a program are the six major movements: Vertical pull (pull-ups/lat pull-downs) Vertical push (overhead press) Horizontal pull (rows) Horizontal push...
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    I bought a stair stepper as a way to beat sitting down all day at home, how long should I exercise a day?

    @amanwalking Regardless of any botting, the answer for lurkers with the same question is that exercise time and intensity for cardio depends on goals. Almost every health organization recommends 30m of medium to high intensity exercise per day and 1h of low to medium intensity exercise per...
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    New mom - post c-section bod help

    @franciswinland First, get cleared for exercise by your doctor. Physique goals invariably boil down to gaining muscle and losing fat. Fat is distributed according to genetics and rate of caloric surplus. Spot reduction is a falsehood, you lose fat anywhere by losing fat everywhere. Imagine a...
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    Want to start working out again

    @brione See a doctor. A public internet forum composed of untrained strangers unfamiliar with your medical situation cannot offer diagnosis or treatment advice. Following any advice you receive may exacerbate existing problems or create new ones.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @dawn16 Unless the the circumstances you're describing truly are near-failure for beginners or similar experience levels, then that would probably be otherwise classified as under-failure for post-beginner athletes. Failure and near-failure are very relative, just like %1RM. One person's...