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  1. T

    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @mehek Thanks for doing that. Unfortunately, I've found that my metabolism/maintenance calories is lower than all the calculators tell me, which sucks bc I LOVE food haha. I'm 28, 5'11", 165lbs, male. I was consistently gaining weight at 2500 calories, and my cutting calories is 1800, which is...
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @mehek Oh no, I was definitely counting macros. This cut I kept fat at 20%, protein is at least 140g and the rest is carbs. The bulk was basically the same but protein was often a little higher
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @javafiend Thanks. Yeah I'm definitely looking to get stronger since that is the key to getting bigger. I was just frustrated by my lifts not getting much stronger despite focusing on progressive overload and eating at a surplus. Sounds like I should try a new routine
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @javafiend Those are in lbs. Sorry
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @javafiend No problem. Current lifts: Deadlift: 305x6 Squat: 245x5 Seated Press: 120x6 (this was actually a bit better at the end of the bulk compared to now) Incline Bench: 165x5. I started focusing on incline, but flat bench was 185x5 or 6 last time I did it. Pullup: bodyweight+55x6
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @upperrom Yes, I do those lifts. However, I didn't deadlift much during the bulk bc I had a sore muscle in my low back and didn't want to aggravate it, so I replaced it with extra pull ups. My bench, shoulder press, and pull up all got stronger during the bulk, and yet I didn't put on any size...
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @micah111 Thanks. I agree that 2lbs/month is a good goal for someone with my experience based on everything I've seen/read, so I think you are probably right about it being training issue. I'm going to increase frequency and/or volume during the next bulk. Which would you go for? I currently do...
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @jb131 Thanks. My first bulk I went for about a pound a week for 6 months. I put on about 20lbs, but once I cut back down, I saw that most of that 20lbs had been fat. I definitely don't want to do that again. That's why I went with a slower bulk this time.
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @jb131 How fast should I gain weight on a year bulk? I feel like it would have to be ridiculously slow to not get fat. Yes, I get at least .82g protein per lb each day
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @ugly It's possible, but I eat at least .82g/lb of protein when cutting. Some of my lifts go down a little bit right at the beginning of a cut, but others don't. Either way, they slowly increase while cutting, or stay put. I don't lose reps during the cutting itself
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @darrin71 No I typically hit each muscle group directly once a week. There is some indirect work when I do the 3x or 5x week split, though. For example shoulders get hit on shoulder day, obviously, but also on chest day
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @dawn16 Ok thanks. I'm going to try raising my volume a lot during the next bulk
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    @dawn16 Is the volume really that low? I admit the frequency is, but I thought volume seemed good. I did a 6-month bulk last year but had a similar issue where I put on more fat than muscle
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    I bulked 4 months, then cut for 2.5, and I'm back where I started

    I've been lifting for 2 years now, and have become frustrated with my lack of growth. My lifts are in the Intermediate range, but I think I should be gaining muscle a lot faster, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm 5'11", 165lbs, relatively lean (you can see my abs, but not the bottom...