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  1. C

    Can I lose weight with just cardio?

    @angelbaby35 I had a micro disectomy years ago so know all about the pain you are in, it is no joke. Good on you for keeping on moving. try and do more than 30 mins a session, you get out what you put in. I see a lot of overweight folks at the gym who look like they are just going through...
  2. C

    Wahoo, I actually did it:)

    @daybeliever Glad to hear you did it, sad to hear you apparently have nobody to share it with. I've lost around 40kg, a couple of times when i've been in the gym or elsewhere and catch my reflection in a mirror i've done a double take and think who's that? its a good feeling. The weight loss...
  3. C

    Can you actually lose weight by only being in a calorie deficit

    @donna8558 Weigh yourself at least once weekly so you have a benchmark on the same day at the same time (i do saturday mornings after i've got up and been to the loo). If you aren't seeing a downward trend then its not working and you need to know this so you can adjust. incorporate easy...
  4. C

    Protein vs pre-workout for leaning out?

    @dawn16 Great answer. I would add that if you don't lack energy going into your workout sessions are able to complete them and the results keep coming, there's not really any reason to add further calories just because IMO.