Wahoo, I actually did it:)


New member
Sorry for this but I have no one else to share it with. I have been going to the gym, I realized recently, for about 9 months now! I really didn’t notice how my body changed until I was cleaning out my camera roll and saw so many before shots I took of myself, from years and years back. You know, you promise you’re going to change so you take a picture of yourself to see how much and how quick you can drastically change your appearance. And then you give up because starving putting your body through hell for 2 weeks doesn’t actually work?? I have tons of those in my phone.

I look back at those pictures and look at myself now and holy. shit. I look like a different person entirely. I actually enjoy…looking at myself? It’s wild. Not saying the body dysmorphia is completely gone but it’s definitely packing up its bags to go.

Now I can actually take an after picture:)
@daybeliever Glad to hear you did it, sad to hear you apparently have nobody to share it with.

I've lost around 40kg, a couple of times when i've been in the gym or elsewhere and catch my reflection in a mirror i've done a double take and think who's that? its a good feeling.

The weight loss is one thing, but the physical and mental benefits of being fit (especially when you've been obese and utterly unfit) is the best part.

Thanks for sharing with us, congratulations and keep at it!
@christina777 Thank you!! They double take is real, happens everytime. And, recently and unexpectedly learned, pretty privilege is also real. Wild how not only I see the change but others can actually see it to?!