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  1. M

    Mod Announcement

    @zoolassi11 You've summed up my feelings on the matter so well! Like you said, this is about the best mod response I've seen on any subreddit.
  2. M

    DEXA Results: 21F, 5'4", 137.7 lbs, 26.7% BF

    @waelawad Can you tell me about the bunionectomy? How bad was your bunion? What was the recovery like? Is it better now, in form and/or function?
  3. M

    How to do HIIT in 3 Steps (x-post from r/HIIT)

    @howardrf How do you do HIIT farmer's walks? That sounds interesting!
  4. M

    Body positive fitspiration?

    @hay12345 Link, by any chance? :D