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  1. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @starlightkat Would love to see a dietician just don't have insurance however!!! Alot of people were telling me to start tracking food and so doing this might help till I can get to one, thank u :) and ur right my diet solely focuses on protein.
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @waggles And ur absolutely right! This morning I had protein yogurt with granola and it helped ALOT. I think my approach is a little too much and then throughout the day I deny myself so much I just binge. Thank you
  3. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @dawn16 I kind of tried to track a little today and wouldn't u know 😗 the calorie intake was slightly crazy. Now I did binge though- in my mind im like.. its not so bad but written out its bad. Will try the app thank you! Obviously need something to help keep track.
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @pandafan Thank you for all ur tips and I appreciate ur well thought out answer!!! Love that these are easy to incorporate. The salted veggies and the sweet potato are PERFECT ideas thank you 💞💞
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @sonofabba7390 I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2019. I didn't realize this might be a part of it, I don't take meds because I don't like the way they make me feel (also I don't have insurance). Thank you for bringing that up.😳
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @wilbanks 40 pounds?! Congratulations that is amazing!!! U give me hope!!! I counted calories today a little just to see where I was at and on paper its not good. It doesn't seem like u restrict urself at all thank u I will try this 💞
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @judyc Ok I read this comment yesterday I think and got lost googling all the different ways I could make this recipe cause omg this sounds SO SO SO good??! THANK YOU for this comment I love this idea it sounds delicious!!
  8. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @meteorstorm Someone else had mentioned that there ADHD makes them do this and I was diagnosed a couple years ago and had forgotten lol. No I think ur right half of this is not tracking correctly but also the other half I agree is mental/psych. And beliefs that were ingrained in childhood like...
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @curiousaboutthis I was very hungry, ravenous then I saw the cake and pounced. But this happens often at work just because we don't get a break if patients come in and I can't run to microwave food when a patient needs me and the cake is a quick bite. The gum and green tea though is an excellent...
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    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @joytojoy I will really have to restrain myself to choose apple over cake 😳 but this a great suggestion and I understand what u mean completely. I have in the past gotten to the point where some things were too sweet and I was shocked but ofcourse when u binge u can't get enough and that feeling...
  11. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @mj_1969 Omg a petitefitness celebrity! Ur before and after is amazing! I don't eat in the mornings at all I might have to start doing big protein breakfast to thwart any sweet tooth before I get into the office. Ur absolutely right. After the 3rd bite im like ok I get it, its sweet. Then I keep...
  12. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @conslater Good idea. Usually I have no shame eating 5 pieces of cake if no one is watching lol. Thank u!
  13. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @godsbugaboo Hm ur absolutely right all it did was make me hungrier. Thank you 💞
  14. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    @conslater At home there's hardly anything sweet- its at work 😳. But either way I should just not have it. I was not counting calories no. Didn't really consider that thank you
  15. K

    Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits

    My eating habits are horrible. I am 5'0 between 145-150. I don't know what it is about sweet and salty stuff but when I see it I gotta have it. 6 donuts in one sitting? No problem. 4 bags of chips in one go? Piece of cake! I am cycling and doing pilates about 3-5 times a week but obviously I...