Please help! Frustrated with myself concerning eating habits


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My eating habits are horrible. I am 5'0 between 145-150. I don't know what it is about sweet and salty stuff but when I see it I gotta have it. 6 donuts in one sitting? No problem. 4 bags of chips in one go? Piece of cake! I am cycling and doing pilates about 3-5 times a week but obviously I can't out cycle my eating habits. I work in a medical office where sweet treats are abundant from the drug reps. However there was also a time (a month ago I stopped) where I was intermittent fasting from 2pm to 8pm eating high protein and keeping sweet/salty stuff to a minimum and staying active 3-5 times a week and I lost a grand total of 0 pounds. I did this for about 4 months too. Then I just said to hell with it and im on a binge now. What are your tips to curb appetite for sweet/salty thats not high protein? In so frustrated because I feel like even if I do everything mostly right the scale doesn't even move .5 of a pound. The beginning of last year I was 140-142 and I ate out even more then. I don't understand. If I take a deep breath I gain 5 pounds i swear. Please help. What did u do if u were in my situation?
@krae991 Honestly, it may be worth it to try quit cold turkey. Sometimes the less of these things you have, the less you crave them. Keeping them out of your home is a good idea, at least for a period of time.

When you were intermittent fasting, were you counting calories? It’s possible you were still eating more than your body was using.
@conslater At home there's hardly anything sweet- its at work 😳. But either way I should just not have it. I was not counting calories no. Didn't really consider that thank you
@krae991 You should try tracking your calories. Limiting the hours you’re eating/eating healthier foods won’t lead to weight loss if you’re not in a calorie deficit.
@krae991 What has also helped me in tracking the calories, even when you are not limiting your food just yet, is to see how much you are actually eating in a day. Especially if you have a binge day. It's very confronting and eye opening!
@krae991 We get donuts and treats often from different companies at my work. If I feel like partaking in them, I usually bring them home to share with my partner. I still get to enjoy it, but in a more controlled environment.
@krae991 I also have a hella sweet tooth and found that eating protein first keeps me satiated so that I don't really crave sweets as much. I also just don't keep sweet treats at my house. I kind of have this deal with myself that if I want something, I can go to the store and get it, but I'm pretty lazy so I just... don't.

I work in a medical office setting as well and have the same issue with lots of sweets being around. I pack my own food and say, "Okay, if I eat my food and still want cake, I can go get cake." Usually when I grab a slice after I've eaten, I don't feel the necessity to eat it all because find that I really just wanted a few bites to get the flavor.

Eat sweet things slowly and pay attention to how you feel. Eat a bite, think about the flavor. Check in and ask yourself if you want more. I think sweet foods have diminishing returns after a certain amount of bites, so it's good to just experience your feelings about the food as you're eating it.

One thing I also do is I only purchase enough for myself in the moment. If I get donuts, I don't get a box. I just get one donut. I also don't buy tubs of ice cream or packages of cookies. If I want a cookie, I'll get one from the bakery. If I want ice cream, I'll get a scoop from an ice cream shop. I treat food as an experience rather than just something I can eat on the daily.

I also plate all of my food. I don't eat out of the packaging. if I want more, I can get more, but normally, once it's gone, I'm satisfied enough not to want it anymore.

Another tip is to try and be conscious of why you eat the way that you do. For instance, in my case, it's hard for me to not finish my food just because I grew up poor and food insecure, and this is something that I'm still very much working on as far as scarcity mindset goes.
@mj_1969 Omg a petitefitness celebrity! Ur before and after is amazing! I don't eat in the mornings at all I might have to start doing big protein breakfast to thwart any sweet tooth before I get into the office. Ur absolutely right. After the 3rd bite im like ok I get it, its sweet. Then I keep eating. I haven't gone into exploring the exact reason why I use sweet/salty foods as a crutch but I'm thinking it might be due to ur same circumstance too. Worth looking into thank you for all ur tips and congrats on ur weight loss!
@krae991 I’m sorry you’re struggling and in a binge. Be kind to yourself. You sound hungry or like you’re numbing with food. If I were you, I would probably keep my mouth occupied with gum and drinking lots of green tea or other tea when I feel like eating. If you’re not eating enough complex carbs, you might be starving for sugars, and then become addicted. Look at the emotional stuff too.
@curiousaboutthis to add on to this, try to satisfy your sweet cravings with fruit!!!! the switch is hard at first but so worth it - you really start to appreciate how fruit tastes lol. there eventually comes a point where anything sweeter just tastes way too sweet.

one way to lessen the temptations would be to always have cut fruit with you - that way youd be choosing between an apple (for eg.) & cake rather than not having anything & cake. i hope you understand what i mean by this 😅

ive found that fasting may sometimes contribute to binging - maybe you could try out a shorter fasting period etc. you got this OP!! < 3
@joytojoy I will really have to restrain myself to choose apple over cake 😳 but this a great suggestion and I understand what u mean completely. I have in the past gotten to the point where some things were too sweet and I was shocked but ofcourse when u binge u can't get enough and that feeling leaves. I had no idea fasting could induce a binge, when u think about it, its like "duh" but truly hadn't considered that. Thank u for ur insight 💞
@curiousaboutthis I was very hungry, ravenous then I saw the cake and pounced. But this happens often at work just because we don't get a break if patients come in and I can't run to microwave food when a patient needs me and the cake is a quick bite. The gum and green tea though is an excellent idea I can incorporate this easily :)!!! And no I don't actually think im eating enough complex carbs i kinda just hone in on protein 🤔 thanks again
@krae991 Haha I hear you! You’re welcome.You can do this. Try to keep your meals balanced so you’re not binging. I’ve struggled with this cycle too. Our bodies are always changing is my mantra. I’m 5’1 and hitting 140 right now and I wish I had less body fat, but it’s ok. It’s really hard to keep the same physique in this culture and being so short.

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