@xcept68 You don't need to go super deep to develop the quads. Going deep hits the glutes and hams more. Go 12 to 15 reps. If that doesn't work try 1 leg day a week instead of 2. Do less cardio , and when you do cardio , walk don't run
@sharkbait13 Some good function strength exercises
Farmers carries
Hammer curls with a rope keeping your knuckles pointed up
Static holds or isometrics
Hand gripper
Thick handle wrist curls
@ryspi76 I have 4 kids from 1 and a half up to 15. I go right after work and train for 35 to 45 minutes. I used to go at 4 am but that's no longer necessary
@jpaulhansen I don't max out. But I bench 245 for sets of 10 and squat 225 for sets of 12. Sometimes 245 for 10. I don't over head press or dead lift. I weigh 205 at 5'11
@montexss Only with lean foods. I increase my calories by about 600 with clean carbs. Food has hormonal effects and your body can store fats much easier than it can store carbs as body fat. What you use to bulk with matters.