May have to stop being a natty, testosterone finally checked and way low

@mjr1980 You rely on things you don't need all day every day.

Why is this one important compared to the other things you actively choose to rely on that you don't need?
@londonmum Because this one is going into your body, the results and side effects can vary, and it’s not something that you can just decide to stop doing. It’s a bigger decision than you’re making it out to be.
@mnh84647 Sure you can. In fact, they have protocols and medication that will help you come back off of everything it into your regular levels.

I never said it wasn't a big decision. Never even hinted towards that!
@londonmum I’m aware that it’s possible to come off TRT. That’s another big decision, protocol, etc.

I agree there shouldn’t be a stigma and I think most labels (natty or otherwise) are stupid and bad for society. It just seemed like you were implying that it was similar to whether or not you consumed caffeine or something.
@londonmum You did hint at this not being a big decision because you implied that all things you actively choose to rely on but don't need as being the same, and they most definitely are not the same.

Your quote: "Why is this one important compared to the other things you actively choose to rely on that you don't need?". I can choose to rely on coffee, while not needing it and it's not the same as choosing to rely on TRT when you don't need it.
@sorayeth Never said otherwise, sorry you've interrupted it that way.

Luckily even though you quoted me I still haven't equated it as the same to anything. I was asking for clarification on what makes this the choice, especially when we all actively make decisions daily with MORE side effects and negative impact than this one would.

Of course consuming drugs like caffeine aren't identical.
@scott2511 No need to feel any kind of way about it. Go watch Dr Chris Raynor s new video about trt. I’m 47 and recently did the same as you on and got mine checked (mainly due to seeing so much about it in the fitness industry as someone over 40 and trying to get healthy again). Dr sent me to an endocrinologist and we talked about sand went through some test. Checked and rechecked my levels. And started me on try when the came back below 300 everytime. To me it’s no different than taking blood pressure meds. All part of getting back to being the healthiest version of me. 🤷🏽‍♂️
@scott2511 How’s your sleep?

Ever do a sleep study?

Maybe take the STOP-BANG screen and see if that’s a probability

You have the BMI and age for apnea and not getting good sleep can certainly effect T
@jcm2000 Was diagnosed with sleep apnea decades ago and have treated it successfully with APAP (auto CPAP) and have very low AHI numbers now. Yeah, it was a serious problem in the past but addressed. I'm a safe driver because of successful sleep, no fears of drowsy driving.
@scott2511 Looking at your comments, I see plenty of reason to go on TRT. For me, it was the lethargy, lack of drive, and excess weight (it’s a bidirectional relationship). Going on TRT helped with my mental state and helped give me drive to get better. It’s not a panacea. I’ve also stalled in my weight loss and that’s 100% diet. But I was able to start running, lose about 80 pounds, and start lifting for the first time in my adult life and haven’t looked back.

The sexual symptoms were there, too. For me, my lack of interest killed even responsive desire. Fixing that alone is way better than it was in many years prior. Again, not a magic bullet, but a support that puts you back to where you actually feel normal.

So do what you and your doctor decide what’s best for you. Everyone on here has their own experience and opinions (that may or may not be grounded in lived experience). Know that it helps some, and it’s not worth it to others. It helped me. Maybe it’ll help you too.
@scott2511 Feel free to ignore this if it's too personal but did you notice any other symptoms? I've never bothered to get mine checked because I have a pretty high sex drive so I've always assumed it's quite high, plus it's expensive to get it checked.

However, lately I've been quite tired and unmotivated to work out compared to a couple of years ago. Sex drive is still there which makes me think my T is fine, but I dunno.
Before I look at TRT and letting go of the "Natural" label

I would like to examine that definition. Taking a medication to bring a hormone level to average levels is unnatural? If you swallow 5 pills of organic origin to bring up levels is that natural? If you use a blood pressure med because working out hikes your bp is that unnatural?

You're not dropping D-bols dude, you are taking medicine from a doctor.
@scott2511 You’re never a failure for needing a medical treatment. It’s not much different from someone who needs insulin or blood pressure meds.

Getting your testosterone back up to normal levels because you’re feeling crummy isn’t the same as going on gear so you can get huge easier.
@scott2511 No shame in being on T.

Hell, no shame in any stack of done with a doctor and getting regular checkups.

Your health and libido are the most important things.