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  1. T

    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    @brock Just looking around your local gym, do you doubt this at all? There are some big guys at my gym, but also a LOT of dudes who don't seem to make much progress. They never seem to struggle on sets (unless it's bench). Hell, I've seen them keep up conversations in the middle of a set...
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    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    I have recently come back to doing dumbbell flyes after not having them in my program for like a year and damn, they are MASSACRING my chest. I used to rate it as a C-tier movement, now it makes me sore and pumped like nothing else. What are some lifts you used to dislike, or just not get much...
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 I'll be real, I don't feel comfortable sharing pics online. I used to be fat, and I still feel fat whenever I'm not at the very apex of a cutting phase, even when I hit ~10% BF. I get that you're a PT, but pretty much every coach out there recommends, and almost every popular program I...
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 Lots of people do vibes-based training, I just think it's fairly pointless to discuss that on a bodybuilding sub
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 There's also nothing magical about getting close to failure, eating your protein, or getting good quality sleep - it's just good practice if you want the most out of your training. People do 3-5 day PPL because it's a super easy template, not because it's good (and anything that...
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 Nah, because it's structured around 6 days a week. If you do it less than that, you won't be hitting some muscles 2x/week. At that point it's better to run a different program.
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @bobwhite That's not good advice. He's doing PPL. That's a great way to work out over 6 days, and a pretty bad way to workout over 3 days. He doesn't need to waste months trying it to understand the obvious.