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  1. J

    Frustrated over being very fat.

    @ms7dc Eh, kinda, but not that well. You get benefits from doing unloaded training as it allows you to get better blood flow to muscles. You kinda get it if you do an exercise that does a tension relax cycle (eg kettlebell swings) but if you haven't done basic LISS work ever, you have some low...
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    Frustrated over being very fat.

    @ms7dc Most books just pretty much leave cardio as a "yeah just do it". TB walks through how to program it, how to progress different attributes of cardio, and how to fit it in with a strength program.
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    Frustrated over being very fat.

    @ms7dc So a couple things I've learned from competing in strength sports and losing 40+ lbs (stopped weighing myself after a certain point, but know I kept ballooning up) and keeping it off for 4 years. Consistency matters more than intensity, programming, etc. Especially when starting out...
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    May have to stop being a natty, testosterone finally checked and way low

    @scott2511 How’s your sleep? Ever do a sleep study? Maybe take the STOP-BANG screen and see if that’s a probability You have the BMI and age for apnea and not getting good sleep can certainly effect T
  5. J

    14 years of lifting and hit a point where I can’t because of work — how can I motivate myself? 34/f

    @tangenica Take a look at Dan John's Easy Strength. Quick effective workouts designed to leave a lot in the tank for other things. In Dan's case it was sport training, in your case it would be life stress. Full disclosure, it is a strength and performance based system. If you are looking for...
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    Information Overload

    @curtswill Eh athleanX isn’t a great source… but sweet Jesus there are far worse channels out there.
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    Review my Program?

    @jimhempel You are so close to appreciating the full benefits of RPE. When lifting you have several variables at your disposal. Intensity, reps, bar speed, sets, and total volume. With your model you are ignoring many of them and turning it into a basic RM program with some extra steps. Thats...
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    Review my Program?

    @jimhempel You can do RPE with a set number of reps. You pick your RPE then pick a weight that aligns with your set reps. For example if you have an RPE 8 day and it calls for 5 reps, you put on a weight that you can do 7 reps with. If you are doing 5x5@RPE 8 you adjust the weights each set...
  9. J

    What products work for you? Any suggestions

    @impactb13 Here is the list of effective performance supplements. Protein. But only if you aren't eating enough from your diet. Creatine. But think of more of a "I squeaked out 11 reps when I usually wouldve gotten 10" intensity. We have reached the end of the list unless you have a dietary...