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    Goal weight for 5ft 2in F?

    @dan123 I'm just under 5'2. When I was a young teenager I read in some magazine the "rule" is that you should be 100 at 5' and 5 lbs heavier for each inch over that, so I should weigh 110. This led me to believe in my adolescence and young adulthood that when I weighed 114 or 118 or 122, I was...
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus Continue my streak of at least 8000 steps/day. Get to the gym at least 4x, ideally 5x, a week. Attend at least one, ideally two, restorative or yin yoga classes a week. Start paying attention to how much protein I eat again and try to meet my goal every day, even on the weekend (lol).
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    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @kmman Water. Water with Mio (could be the kind w/ electrolytes or not). Sometimes clear protein, depending on whether I need that extra 20g that day or not.
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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @nathan2018 I've loved reading everyone else's, so thanks for this thread! 2023 fitness goals: after a long bout of mostly depression-related inactivity, my initial goal for 2023 was just "do something physical every day." Well, I failed on that pretty quick, but I did manage to finally lose...