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  1. E

    what y’all thoughts on rotary torso?

    @michaeldb Test it out and see if you get a good burn. If it doesn't work for you then there are other ways of targeting abs. Russian twists with weight are great, farmer carries for oblique isometrics, candlesticks, etc. What's good about a machine is its really easy to track progress, lock in...
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    Why is working out so F***ing confusing?!

    @85justine Then stop stressin' breh. You want to lose fat, cardio. You want to gain Muscle, push and pull. Avoid crazy amounts of processed sugar, that's soda, cake, ice cream. Do eat natural sugars, fruits baby. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner (if you're working out you're hungry) and stay...
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    I need help

    @katmack Don't hate what you are, be excited about what you can become. What sort of workouts should I do if you're not going to a gym then body weight exercises. Push ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, squats, leg raises, crunches, russian twists, ect. if you cant do push ups yet or pull-ups then...
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    I’m tryna look more cut

    @peteristherock Bet, start working out 4-5 days a week (on your lift days don't do a fuck ton of cardio, save that for cardio days -- esp if you're trying to put on muscle) and EAT, ideally healthy shit. I'm 5'8" and for most of highschool I was 125-135, then college 140ish. Now I'm 170, still...
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    I’m tryna look more cut

    @peteristherock The guy telling you to do 500 push ups, 500 squats, and 100 pull ups a day is crazy. No one is doing that daily at 15 without overtraining. At your age and weight (you should really add your height for your weight to mean anything to us) you should work out 4-5 times a week max...
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    Advice / opinions

    @laura21 npnp, Also If you have knee and ankle pain then I'd actually suggest doing some PT for them before jumping into a lot of weight. Some banded side steps, calf raises, mobility training, ect. If it's not pain but a balance issue then I'd suggest doing some yoga (particularly the balancing...
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    Advice / opinions

    @wemchud quickly clarifying, you don't want to lose weight, you want to change your fat to muscle ratio. The number on the scale will hopefully go up in your ideal scenario where you're bottom half grows. To become leaner you simply eat less while still working out, this does not mean starving...