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    Long post: 45M - 6'6" 250lb. Am I overtraining and/or advice on with my diet/sleep/supplement regimen. Getting tired more often and looking for help

    @baseball1846 Ah cool maybe bump up your calories for a few weeks see how you feel. Everyone is different but underecovery can come in lots of forms such as fatigue, aching, fluey symptoms etc your does sound similar. Best way to treat is stuff your face and see if it gets better. Maybe think...
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    Long post: 45M - 6'6" 250lb. Am I overtraining and/or advice on with my diet/sleep/supplement regimen. Getting tired more often and looking for help

    @baseball1846 Some things to think about: are you eating enough, go figure your maintenance (Google TDEE calculator if not sure) and track your calories for a few weeks. do you take deload weeks? This could be complete rest, lighter weights or something completely different getting enough...
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    Routine consern

    @veganbros Sorry replied to other comment aswell. The body is one piece. While I agree you having bicep specific exercises will build bigger biceps, as long as they are getting secondary work aswell (which most upper body exercises will do) you should be good.
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    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    @antonia Yeah I have heard lots of good things come out of it stronger back, better grip, looser hip flexors (for those desk workers) etc plus turning around and being able to say that you did 10K KB swings. I am going to have to do this one day maybe wait until the new year.
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    Routine consern

    @veganbros OK cool - best of luck let us know how you get on.
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    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    @dubschanging Yeah your probably right depending what your goals are. Holding onto your bodyweight while you hang is no small feat mind. I believe he suggested this rather than rows as he is a major fan of the dead hang for mobility reasons and improving pull-ups (he has a post on getting better...
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    Routine consern

    @veganbros OK - personally I'd would give it a few weeks before worrying about the lack of volume. Check-in in a few weeks time with the trainer time and then if you have issues with the lack of volume for biceps then raise it there. Give the trainer and program a chance. Has the trainer given...
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    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    @sherlockpwns Classic Dan! I knew he'd have an answer!
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    Routine consern

    @veganbros How long have you been running this program? Did you specifically ask that you wanted to prioritise bicep/arms development? There is still a lot of arm work here. Maybe another bicep exercise would help.
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    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    @sherlockpwns I will always upvote someone who upvotes Dan John!
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    Routine consern

    @veganbros Just wondering whether you could do a screen capture of it instead? How many sets/reps are the bicep exercise for? How long have you ran his program for? To be honest nobody is why not add another bicep exercise to the program? Also depends on what the back exercises are, if...
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    If All You Have Is a Kettlebell..

    Hey all, Thought I'd share this short video by Coach Dan John to provide some inspiration and ideas on what exercises you can do if you have limited equipment (like 1 Kettlebell but could also work with dumbells etc). For those with limited time and limited equipment (or just want to mix it...
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    Fitness Tests - I like to use these tests to gauge my progress as I age. If you know of other test please share

    @mumbly There are some great strength tests here: and here
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    @curtswill Well said!!
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    Home gym routine for 39 y.o. F ?

    @franklampard14 I like this option to begin with. When helping a friend of mine get into fitness/weight training I basically had him doing one main lift a day (goblet squats, press, DL or bench/floor press), then a push exercise, pull exercise and some kb swings. I used this for few weeks...
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    Help me with running

    @isabelpatel Check out the wiki over at r/running this significantly helped me. Specifically the easy runs/base building program helped me significantly prep for the half marathon in October.
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    work out program to improve the fitness of a giant who is about to turn 50..

    @followernotfan Give the a read specifically the fat loss section. Pick a routine from there (5/3/1 is my personal choice) and stick with it this will get your the muscle gains. For fat loss look to what your eating and be in a calorie deficit (the wiki will help). Do...
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    @bronzemarkian Yeah typically if weightloss has plateaued you'll need to drop the calories again. Keep at it your making great progress!
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    @bronzemarkian If you aren't already aware (and most of the stuff you may already know), there is a brilliant resource here have a read and scroll down some of the Additional Reading section as well. Few questions - how are you tracking your calorie...
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    Need help with few queries

    @nic976 Total protein over the day is more important than timing. Yes, I don't believe electrolytes have any significant calories unless its mixed with some sugars. At the end of the day it just micronutrients like sodium, potassium etc.