Routine consern

@ericph There are some bicep usage for some back exercises, but being ignorant about it, they are not " bicep only " exercises, so i dont think they count ?), what do you think?
@veganbros Sorry replied to other comment aswell.

The body is one piece. While I agree you having bicep specific exercises will build bigger biceps, as long as they are getting secondary work aswell (which most upper body exercises will do) you should be good.
@veganbros Routine looks fine.

What do you want, three different bicep isolation exercises on a single day? What's the point in that? Just so I'm not misunderstanding you (I'm gonna to out on a limb here and assume English isn't your first language), are you seriously proposing doing like 9 sets or curls? Do you think you can fatigue large muscles like lats and rhomboids the same way as smaller muscles like biceps?

How do you think you perform rows and lat pulldowns without your biceps? EMG studies have shown that lat pulldowns activate them just as much as curls.

Why bother with a trainer if you know it all? I'm not a PT, but you sound like a nightmare client. You don't know what you don't know, and it shows.
@veganbros I wouldn't program any biceps curls at all . They're not efficient. Every time you do an upper body pull (like a lat pulldown or a face pull), you're already working the biceps. Better to save that set for more lower body exercises, or more chest and shoulder work.
@veganbros Yeah, but so what? The biceps are a relatively minor muscle. You have much bigger fish to fry (like back, chest, shoulders, core, hips, and legs). You could spend many hours doing isolated toe curls, but what would be the point? It wouldn't benefit your health or your strength very much.