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    Gains possible over 50?

    @janeevans89 I'm 57m and I lift 4 days a week. In a normal week, I'll do squats and other leg work on Monday, bench press and upper back work on Tuesday, rest or cycling or golf on Wednesday, deadlifts and other leg work on Thursday, and arms and chest on Friday. I'm making good gains. I started...
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    Four weeks into 2024, and I'm down 5 pounds!

    @klonopin48 Thanks!
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    Four weeks into 2024, and I'm down 5 pounds!

    @aaronkfwill Thank you!
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    Four weeks into 2024, and I'm down 5 pounds!

    I'm not going after it aggressively, and it's great just seeing it go down bit by bit. I am 58m, 5'11". This cut started at 207, and today I was at 202. I'm not counting calories (not against it), but I am using principles I learned from losing 30 pounds 2 years ago. I also lift weights 5 days a...
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    Muscle weight loss

    @charmaine93 In order to gain more weight, muscle or otherwise, you must be in a calorie surplus. Your body must have the fuel to build muscle. There will be some fat gain, but if you're as far under your desired weight as you say, that won't be the worst thing. As far lifting goes, 3-4 times a...
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    Over 50 Trying for the perfect weekly schedule. All runners and lifters Give me your best

    @jordqwa I work legs on one day, then upper body the next. The third day I will ride bike outdoors (summer) and not lift. Then I repeat. I take Sundays off. I don't generally do cardio just to do cardio. I love riding bike in itself.
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    First day in 9 years

    @jnpaapaamoakoheneameyaw Go get it, friend!
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    Over 50 Trying for the perfect weekly schedule. All runners and lifters Give me your best

    @jordqwa If you want to build muscle the best, do your cardio on non-lifting days, or at least after lifting by a few hours.
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    Need advice with lifting during weight loss

    @ricksterm Outstanding work! If you hit a plateau there is nothing wrong with sitting at maintenance for a while. Find a lifting program that fits and stick with it. I'm definitely not a nutrition/diet expert, but from what I've seen this is a natural part of the process. If it were me I would...
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    51m never been active. With no activity during covid I’m needing guidance. Need to try and turn it around

    @steffi If you can, just start walking. That sounds simplistic, but you start by starting.