Over 50 Trying for the perfect weekly schedule. All runners and lifters Give me your best


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Hello all. Trying to figure out a weekly schedule that's well rounded but I don't get hurt by and Yet see see overall improvement. The thing is I like running but been told only do cardio max 3 x a week. I like weights but been told don't do weights more than 4 x a week or take breaks between. Yet also I need to train muscle groups more than once a week. Should I run the day before weights, should I do weights and run on same day. Also I can bike. So do I bike one day, weights another day, run another day, now do I take two days off in a row or spread them out. Forget cardio and just lift as some might say. The goal is really to lose fat and if I can do that, I'll advance to the next step when that bridge is crossed. The questions is how to do a weeks workout with the right amount of rest, the correct amount of cardio and the proper amount of weights. Am I thinking too much. To add, without hurting myself... that's important (disclosure.. I posted this in workout as well)
@jordqwa Lose fat with a better diet. Run early in the day. Lift in the evening. Sleep well at night. Maybe take a day to recover. Hydrate well. Eat protein if you want to gain muscle.

Running after a leg day is difficult. Maybe cycle after leg day then run the next. Don’t push too hard.

Running and lifting are complementary.

Just do your best.
@jordqwa I work legs on one day, then upper body the next. The third day I will ride bike outdoors (summer) and not lift. Then I repeat. I take Sundays off. I don't generally do cardio just to do cardio. I love riding bike in itself.
@jordqwa Diet is the main factor in losing weight. Or gaining for that matter.

If you’re trying to lose, eat in a caloric deficit. Track your food. Do as much lifting or cardio that your body can manage. Listen to your body and take breaks if any exhaustion or pain surface.

I lift plus cardio almost daily. Some days heavy and hard, but these days less weight/more reps and lighter cardio (am taking it easy currently for recovery).

I love running, but alternate with other cardio to lessen impact on my knees and joints. Elliptical, bike, row, assault bike.
@jordqwa i lift high reps every other day. i stretch and do as much swimming and cycling as i can. (swimming 2x a week and biking 5-6/wk) I was running once a week but i can’t seem to run without injury anymore.
@johnjohn74 A Ha, yes that's what I'm dealing with, feeling good, doing the right stuff with warmups, stretching etc but during a run or after, my foot aches, or my leg is twingy. Maybe you bike too much, maybe the high reps affect your runs? I don't know but thanks. Also Never dawned on me to take up swimming laps. That would be a good rest day activity.
@jordqwa have you considered triathlons or biathlons? i recently got into it and have enjoyed training towards “something” rather than just training. great community too. olympic has been the perfect distance to put in my wheelhouse
@jordqwa My routine (not endorsing for anyone else):

After getting up I run 4 miles. I'll preload an energy drink if I'm tired and have a protein shake with creatine afterwards.

I lift weights on a 4 day bro split rotation.




Legs/ quads/ hamstrings

I interlace these days with abs/core and tabata training on an assault bike

I do this every single day but the 2+ hours I spend training are not nearly as important as the 22 hours I have to insure proper nutrition and sleep.

And, yes, I run on and after leg day.

I'm not recommending that this is the routine for you, but my point is that you can absolutely run and lift weights. Your body can adapt to all kinds of activities if you treat it properly.
@foolsmind Thanks for schedule. I do like seeing different setups and how I can fit it into my world. Also nice to see what people can do when the internet says something different.
@foolsmind Indeed, I have been down the gym and running all my life. I am 54 now and that fire is still burning. However I notice that I am getting weaker and I need to work harder to keep in shape. I run 15+k twice a week and 5 days a week in the gym for Metabolic Resistance Training and HIIT. It is hard but it is rewarding. I wish lots of good years ahead.