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  1. N

    50 year old giant, update

    @followernotfan 45 plate on each side plus bar is 135. FYI Bar weighs 45. Awesome work!
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    What is the most optimal weight for me?

    @pastorgarymartin There is no ideal weight. Only a range of healthy weight. It all depends on what type of body you want. Do you want to be heavier with more muscle or lighter with a runner’s build? Or somewhere in between. My two questions to determine how heathy your weight is are “can you...
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    What Metrics Do You Care About and Why?

    @namaoza I just want to lift big rocks
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    Help w Weightlifting

    @jasonavery08 You should add creatine. Studies have shown it to be safe and effective. You don’t need to go through a loading phase or anything, just add a scoop to your smoothie every day. I recommend straps for deadlifts. Lift without straps until your grip start to give out, then use the...
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    Just had surgery, can’t lift for 6-8 weeks

    @logann Diet. Diet. Diet. Control the controllables. You’ll be back in the gym soon.