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  1. L

    Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep

    @cybernetic Let me get this straight, you've been training for 8 years and have a 22kg bench press?
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    Long term high protein diets bad for your Kidneys? Past 5 years of research.

    @laura02375 I think you just threw out any level of repertoire you had by saying 3 cal per cram of protein
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @kekeli Metabolism can only lower a small bit and the damages you consider only occur sub 8% bf. Sorry, you need to eat less.
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    How to break through fat-loss plateau (going under 12-13% BF)

    @kekeli Drop your calories lower. If you have weeks of no progress, you're not actually in a deficit.
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    If I don’t get 4-8 hours of sleep how much is it hurting my gains?

    @1ambassador I would say most nights I get 6 hours, but it's not continuous sleep. I wake up constantly throughout the night maybe every hour or two
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    If I don’t get 4-8 hours of sleep how much is it hurting my gains?

    @1ambassador As someone who's had chronic insomnia, sleep issues has never interfered with my muscle growth. It really doesn't matter if you're not close to approaching your genetic limits