Novice strength levels - 0-1 rep a week even in calorie surplus, high protein, good sleep


New member
I’m still at novice levels of strength (22kg bench press) and I gain strength soooo slow it’s ridiculous! I get over 1g/1lb of body weight in protein, I get good sleep, I’m doing a good amount of volume, I’m not deficient in nutrients, form is great.

Why the hell do I progress so slowly? It’s extremely frustrating. I’ve been lifting 8 years and this has been my situation for years. I’ll bulk for months but only gain a tiny bit of strength and the weight will primarily just be fat before I cut and repeat the cycle.
@cybernetic Holy hell that is a lot of volume if I’m reading that right!

I think 150-200 reps total per session is a good number based of research and what other proven programs do. You are far exceeding that. How long do you spend in the gym?

Also, it may be worth going to the doc and getting your blood checked to see if your testosterone is norma
@curtswill Did you look at the spreadsheet? Look at Day 1. He's doing a lot more than bench and triceps. He has biceps, barbvell rows, side lats, BB shrugs etc. He's doing minimum 195 reps and max around 350, which is a lot. For comparison some of the powerlifting programs linked in this wiki have around 150 reps per session.

Out of curiosity how much volume of reps do you think is normal to see progress?
@catholic500 He’s complaining about his bench strength, and he’s doing FIVE SETS of bench.

I don’t know what the reps distribution looks like, in part because experienced people care about sets more than reps. The last program I did had me doing 25 sets of HEAVY barbell pressing movements per week, around 200 reps. PLUS accessories like cable extensions at the end of the workout of course
@cybernetic You need to do way more volume at likely less RPE if you say all your RPE is 9. For example, for bench I would legitimately try going to 10-15 sets (at RPE 6, increase an RPE every week until week 4, then deload). My best advice here would be to stop programming yourself. Look into some online programs that are premade. Look into Dr. Swole's free templates - they're not the best but it'll be way better for you than what you've been doing.