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    MEAT EATER II (Original version)

    @juancarlos High intensity conditioning
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    MEAT EATER II (Original version)

    The original post was much longer. Did a mod edit it?
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    MEAT EATER II (Original version)

    Since the workout gained some traction last couple of weeks, below is the original as outlined in Tactical Barbell II Conditioning by K.B. There are a lot of kettlebell HIC´s in the book and is well worth a buy!
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    The Wolf, Week6

    @mariahcarey Thats solid work! A 175 press is really strong. Even if your not sure The Wolf increased your press - would you say it at least maintained it?
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    The Wolf, Week6

    @mariahcarey Thank you for your reply! Please report back if you test the press. I'll probably do one of Geoffs programs soon! The Wolf looks brutal!
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    The Wolf, Week6

    @mariahcarey Well done! Did you notice any muscle gain in any body part? Press strength before and after?
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    Workout routine advice BW + KB

    @bikochieng Perhaps Easy Muscle schedule B?
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    Your Foolproof Guide to Training - Vol. 1, Issue 1

    @ngie Will we be able to buy programs (again?) 🙂 joining the insider is not an option for me right now.
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    The "Manly Physique" Protocol

    @donnessa Exactly! :)
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    The "Manly Physique" Protocol

    @donnessa Interesting program! It looks alot like The Simple Six by Clinton Dobbins.
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    Need some help deciphering this RKC program

    @sogjohn Sorry, I recalled they talked about it over the years, the delorme program and Dan’s own version of it.
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    Need some help deciphering this RKC program

    @sogjohn Try asking this at Dan John’s forum at I know they have had extensive talks about it there.