MEAT EATER II (Original version)


New member
Since the workout gained some traction last couple of weeks, below is the original as outlined in Tactical Barbell II Conditioning by K.B. There are a lot of kettlebell HIC´s in the book and is well worth a buy!


10 Russian Kettlebell Swings

10 Burpees

Rest 60 seconds

x 10 rounds

For Time
@chanhhobieu I would love to hear more detail, even if you have to DM me. I've recently been trying to branch out with a variety of KB workouts. A neighbor worked with a personal trainer for years and has been giving me some cool ladder progression workout plans, but I'm looking to change it up a bit. Any more info would be appreciated.
@chanhhobieu So funny I completely misread the workout. I have a spreadsheet with all the E’s and HIC’s from TB but for some reason I guess my brain completely crapped out on me as I was writing it down.