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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @yburhannan82 Yeah, Im not a big fan of the classical circus either, to be honest, it is quite cringy, so I am with you. The school I am in (and most schools in europe) practice more contemporary circus, which has a lot of different ways it can take shape, it doesnt really follow any old forms...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @christianchurches If you are more interested in the bodyweight type stuff and handstand things I would definitely start by looking at these channels: For more bodyweight strength training:
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @wildgirl1 Well then the mass itself has a functionality so youre not deviating from that goal by going for weight!
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @wildgirl1 I also find it quite cool to gain weight, but in the end I always remind myself that function is what im after not a number on a scale! Its all about the goals of the individual in the end! Thanks a lot! I definitely will :)
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @klong0149 You are completely right about both of those things! Never been so often exhausted in my life but its also great fun so its worth it!
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @klong0149 Yes, pretty much! The most common disciplines are juggling, partner acrobatics, handstands, trapeze, aerial straps and rope. If youre good enough and creative enough at what youre doing schools can accept you with pretty much any discipline, although things such as clowning and...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @jonnyy40 Honestly, I feel like im quite a bad tricker heh. Ive never done more than a normal cork. Height of tricking achievements would be aerial into gms or b-twist to moonkick. I feel much better as a tumbler and creative acrobat in general. I reaaally like doing GMS (grandmaster swipe)...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @dawn16 Yep! I really like mixing things up, one thing is not enough!
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @insearchofrationality Hey thanks! Yeah, its a fun move! Good party trick haha. It only took me a couple of weeks, but that is coming from years of practicing isometric and eccentric split holds. Going up is a bit weird on the adductors, but it was more about finding the timing, balance and...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @christianguy19 Oh my, thats amazing! Im really happy I made that dream a possible reality! See if you can find a youth circus group for her to attend to! Thats how most of us start! Its great fun, and can of course just be a nice activity to do!
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @seangibbons My main specialisation is acro dance, so combining elements of acrobatics, modern dance, breakdance, capoeira and tricking. The schedule is generally too intense for me to dare add any extra work on my own time in other disciplines. I have been playing around a little bit with...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @trang0714 Haha, thanks, makes me really happy to hear!
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @rj786 Glad you found em interesting!
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @rj786 Hey! Thanks a lot! Generally speaking, if I do acrobatics/trampoline/dance etc my main focus is always on skill work, not that it does not practice or require strength, just that I dont aim for improving that quality per se. If I do strength work, I focus on acquiring strength, so yes, I...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @splinter215 Thanks a lot! Im glad you found a new goal as well! Basically cause ive heard many nutrition scientists talk about the benefits of omega 3 supplementation in high dosages even while being meat eaters. I eat pretty much always 500 g of salmon a week and thats all the fish i get in a...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    @prealiek Thanks! I used to do more pike stretching a few years back and then I would do loaded pike work. Exercises like one legged good mornings, and jefferson curls. Only around 2 times a week usually for about 3 sets 10 reps, since heavier loaded stretching has a greater impact and produces...
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    Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

    Hello! Im an acrobat/dancer/circus artist in training at a school called Codarts Rotterdam in The Netherlands. I have always been quite interested in all the type of skills I can achieve with my body and been much into the bodyweight fitness world. Im quite happy about what i achieved this...