Circus artist in full time Circus Bachelor program, progress video and AMA!

@jonnyy40 Honestly, I feel like im quite a bad tricker heh. Ive never done more than a normal cork. Height of tricking achievements would be aerial into gms or b-twist to moonkick. I feel much better as a tumbler and creative acrobat in general.

I reaaally like doing GMS (grandmaster swipe). Such a neat trick and it feels really comfortable! I also (maybe as seen) really enjoy low and weird backflips. Like frontroll to backflip, low backflip to sideroll and just super low backflips in general.
@amacias21 Just curious about a 'circus degree'. Could a person major in something like juggling, tightrope walking, ventriloquism, etc.? Or does everyone basically do the gymnastic type things?
@klong0149 Yes, pretty much! The most common disciplines are juggling, partner acrobatics, handstands, trapeze, aerial straps and rope. If youre good enough and creative enough at what youre doing schools can accept you with pretty much any discipline, although things such as clowning and ventriloquism are pretty much non-existent.
A little about me: 22 years, male, 76,5 kgs, 175 cm

Damn. You are about 1 cm taller than me but over 10 Kg heavier. Meanwhile I struggle putting on even an additional Kg.

3 hours strength training/physical preparation 6 hours acrobatics 2 h handstands 2 hours dance acrobatics 3 hours modern dance 2 hours composition work 2 hours ballet 3 hours trampoline 1 h group acrobatics

OK I guess you exercise a tiny bit more than I do. :)

Really impressive video. Keep it up :D
@wildgirl1 I also find it quite cool to gain weight, but in the end I always remind myself that function is what im after not a number on a scale! Its all about the goals of the individual in the end!

Thanks a lot! I definitely will :)
@amacias21 Definitely true words there. I'm also going for functionality. Yet some additional muscle mass would be nice since it does lend some advantages in fighting.
@amacias21 For someone who wants to learn this in their own time because they dont necessarily want to spend a bachelor on it - where would you say where to start?

also i cant seem to hold my handstand - i can catch it decently nowadays but still use the wall as safety in case i overflip. dont have that much space to practice it sadly so i cant put down a mat ot fall down safely on. that said i spend way less time on it than i should probs.
@christianchurches If you are more interested in the bodyweight type stuff and handstand things I would definitely start by looking at these channels:

For more bodyweight strength training:

For handstands:

For a bit of everything:

For stretching:
Or the book Stretching Scientifically by Thomas Kurz

For acrobatics its a bit trickier. You should try to find open gym hours at your local circus/gymnastics/tricking hall or courses. Open gym hours can be great for just getting tips by fellow practitioners and courses can be really nice to work on basics. It is optimal to have some mats or equipment though to make some more serious progress in acrobatics.

Hope that gives you a good start!
@amacias21 OMG I'd love to have structure like that and Rotterdam feel like Bristol in Netherlands love the vibes I'm so depressed and unmotivated I am longing for structure if not circus school I'm going to military or prison
@amacias21 The last time Circus Vargus came to my town, it was pretty weird. All of the performers were also selling tickets, food, etc in full performance make up. Every single one of them had a thick eastern european accent. The decorations were very amateurish cardboard with peeling paint and the main set piece, a train, seems like cardboard attached to a wardrobe cart.

What is your take on the state of the circus scene? The circus is a strange experience compared to my childhood. My kids were so bored, we left at intermission.
@yburhannan82 You're going to see the wrong shows.

Check out anything by the 7 fingers ( They're one of the bigger names, but there are also plenty of smaller companies doing amazing things.

We live in an amazing time for circus arts.