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  1. P

    Introducing r/xxLoseit!

    @giggi I'm excited for this! r/loseit seems so big and I never feel like I can find people to relate to as I'm looking to lose 20ish pounds (that I regained). Between this sub and that one, I'm ready to get back to my best self!!
  2. P

    What's your workout plan for the week??

    First off, so glad to finally find a community of women to talk about fitness/health. I'm 5'7, started at 185 at my heaviest... currently teetering right at 150 (it's gonna happen this week!) and my goal is 130. Well, one top of being in the best DAMN shape of my life. Anyway, I'm a planner...
  3. P

    Let's talk macros...

    @solonotsingle Thank you! That's good to know!!
  4. P

    Let's talk macros...

    @solonotsingle Yep! Weight, pictures and measurements each week. I know I can't see huge process but even SOME would be nice.
  5. P

    Let's talk macros...

    So by this point we all know around here that calories are based on things like TDEE's and BMR's, age and height, activity level, etc. But everyone seems to have different splits! How did you come up with your splits? For example, I think MPF defaults to 35%C, 35%P, 30%F for weight loss. I...
  6. P

    Dexa Scan- 28F, 5'7, 154 lbs 25.2% BF with pic

    @derf Oh! I'll have to watch Groupon for sure!
  7. P

    Dexa Scan- 28F, 5'7, 154 lbs 25.2% BF with pic

    @derf Very interesting! I would love to have this done... we are just about the same size! Can I ask how much you paid for it?