Introducing r/xxLoseit!


New member
Hello ladies!

I'm a mod over at r/xxloseit. The sub has just relaunched after a long period of stagnation and we are super excited to bring it back to life!

With permission from the mods of r/xxfitness I'm making this post to invite anyone who is looking to lose weight, no matter what stage of your weight loss journey you're on, to come join us at r/xxloseit.

Today's Weekly Feature Post is called Self Promo Sunday, we would love to hear about you, your journey, your struggles, and you can connect with other women on the path to weight loss.

We also have Featured posts for every day of the week (except Thursday, but open to suggestions). The community is just starting back up so you can help be a part of building it together!

Hope to see you soon!
@giggi I'm excited for this! r/loseit seems so big and I never feel like I can find people to relate to as I'm looking to lose 20ish pounds (that I regained). Between this sub and that one, I'm ready to get back to my best self!!