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    Looking for a cardio exercise like swimming the backstroke (x-post /r/bodyweightfitness)

    @jim35215 The closest thing a kettlebell would have to a long steady swim would be a very light snatch that you space out your reps a bit. But I still think fewer reps in less time would have more to offer.
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    Only S&S?

    @joellemarie197 I started doing getups and swings in early 2015 and then started doing S&S by the book in early 2016, pretty much 5-7 days per week up until November 2017 or so. I eventually got up to doing it with 40kg but I never really timed myself and was never in a huge rush. I did...
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    16kg vs 20kg

    @lordhelps86 Whatever you get started on shoot for 24kg and then 32kg. The book recommends that men need a 16kg, 24kg, and 32kg set.
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    Damaged shoulder from push press

    @dawn16 The only drills I go beyond 5 reps are the swing and snatch. That is it. Everything else is 5 or fewer and I put the weights down and shake off the tension.
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    Damaged shoulder from push press

    @riccardoj No. However as a point of safety I never go a minute nonstop with something like the push press. Small muscles can give out and cause injuries. With the program I am doing I do push presses only on Wednesdays and its a double push press for 5 reps per set. Setting the bells down...