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    How is it possible for a red-blooded human being to hold a plank for 8 HOURS?? Please enlighten me..

    @dawn16 Let’s say reasonably fit people who regularly do abdominal/core muscle training and have a normal body weight. Of course with planks the form and muscle engagement makes a huge difference.
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    Is it possible for someone in my circumstances to get a pull-up bar...?

    @kaylen500 Get one of those cantilever pull-up bars: Much less likely to damage the doorframe and much more secure than the extending pole design.
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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @landon13 Same here. I’ve been doing 3 sets of 20 push-ups (full ROM all the way to the floor, nice and slow) several times per week for months and it hardly gets easier. On a good day I might be able to do 23 or even 25 reps but it feels kind of risky for the triceps.
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    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @nataliem Actually not much less. Otherwise people with high muscle mass and low body fat would have a much much harder time staying afloat in water. IIRC it’s something like 1.1kg/dm³ vs 0.9kg/dm³.
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    I did my first push-ups after failing for months

    @thomm That’s why you take the weight every morning, naked, after peeing and take the average over a few days. That way – at least for me and the GF – the fluctuations are usually only ±500g per day to begin with.
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    Why can I do 6 pull ups but barley can do 20 push ups? Any tips to improve

    @itsjustmerae I know that feeling. It’s really tempting to train too much, either because you are making progress (and feel hugely motivated) or because you lack progress (probably because you are already overtraining). Training exactly the right amount is hard. I often have to remind myself...
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    Why can I do 6 pull ups but barley can do 20 push ups? Any tips to improve

    @itsjustmerae One word of warning since you sound very enthusiastic: Don’t overdo it. The last thing you want is an overuse injury. Take rest days, don’t work the same muscle group more than 2 or 3 times per week and don’t do more than ~6 working sets per muscle group and session. Take a...
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    How long does it take to get to body like this ?

    @ttebayo “to look like x” doesn’t have to mean identical.
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    Golfers Elbow Just As I Was Getting Back Into It

    @harmonmarie When I had distal biceps tendonitis from pull-ups I could still do isometric holds (i.e. holding a pull-up in the 90° elbows bent position), biceps curls and inverted rows. This allowed me to build up my strength to a point where I can almost do a single arm pull-up without actually...
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    Why can I do 6 pull ups but barley can do 20 push ups? Any tips to improve

    @johnbastion This. 20 slow and controlled push-ups with perfect form are not easy by any means.
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    Considering a new approach to strength and hypertrophy by implementing high rep training

    @brohoho Personally I get much better strength gains from high weight training. Like 3 to 7 reps. You can really feel your brain recruiting every muscle fibre it can. From high reps (like >20 push ups) I just get a burning sensation in my muscles and need >4 minute breaks to recover. For...
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    I want to buy gymnastic rings, but I’m not sure where/how to mount them

    @spacct Are you allowed to drill into the walls? There are wall-mounted pull-up bars. Are you allowed to drill/screw into the rafters? You can put eyelet bolts into them, just make sure they are strong and secure. Or screw a piece of wood to the rafters and put the straps of the rings between...
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    3x Full body training

    @jermyn The DOMS from the squats would be reason enough to keep more than 1 day between them. Unless those are easy body weight squats where you don’t get much DOMS from.
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    I want to buy gymnastic rings, but I’m not sure where/how to mount them

    @slaw777 I was thinking the same. If screwing/drilling into the rafters is not allowed/possible then large clamps could work. Just make sure you don’t damage the rafters (put a large, flat piece of wood under your clamp to distribute the force) and make damn sure it’s not coming off. You...