Is it possible for someone in my circumstances to get a pull-up bar...?

@kem Makes sense to be honest, even if that model won't ever fall it'd likely still cause worry... It'd be such a satisfying solution since it's convenient in every way but maybe there's always a price, risk in this case. Might just bite the bullet and contact the landlord about screwing one into the door frame, or getting something like this after all. It's somehow more expensive while being less robust in my country though lol. Thanks for the insights
@kaylen500 I bought a pull up bar similar to this when I was living in an apartment for just a few months, which included a very warm summer. The pads totally messed up the door frame. The paint stuck to the rubber pads, cracked and came off, and it left deep marks with the rubber's shape. I had to sand and repaint the door frame. You could just accept that you will have to fix the damage before you go, but I'd be more worried about the frame not being strong enough to take the outwards pressure of the bar.
I think the simple ones that come with two cups and two screws to hold them in place, and don't depend on pressure to stay up are actually better. Less potential major damage. Like this
@kaylen500 The main reason for a pull up bar is so that you can do pulling motions. So just get something else that lets you pull. You can get a used Total Gym for 15-30 bucks, and that will let you do pulling (and pushing), to complement what you're doing with calisthenics.
@kaylen500 I had the same issue and live in a studio loft and both my front entry and bathroom have stingy door frames. After a couple purchases on Amazon and the pull up bars not fitting I had to return them. I was thinking of purchasing one where I could nail in, but it's also a rental and I really don't trust the way my building was built.

I decided to take the plunge and get the fit! home gym. It's basically a pull up and dip bar. It's pretty sturdy from everything I've tried and won't have to worry about messing up a door frame and take it with me to my next home.

I have mine set up in my small living room area. Good thing is I can take it apart and store it in my closet when I have company over. It only takes up 2'x4' of space. You can also purchase a travel bag separately.

Good luck on your search!
@kaylen500 I don't have a spot to hang up a pull up bar either. I use my dip bars a lot and started doing L-sit pull ups. They are a bit harder but they're fine when you're used to them. I even see myself progressing on 'em!

Started with 5 times 5, now I'm able to do 5 times 8 and still feel like I could do more reps, but that would impact the energy left in my arms for the workouts that come after the pull ups in my workout routine.

I dont't know, maybe go outside and try the L-sit pull up. If you like them, definitely recommend buying a dip bar set, they are so versatile! I do my workout program 3 times a week, it has pull ups, dips and inverted rows implemented in it, all of 'em I can do on my dipbars!

(On the other 4 days I practise handstands and tuck planche, do 100 push ups on 3 of the 4 days and 1 core day. If I go skateboard I'm allowed to take a rest from the push ups that day)
@kaylen500 Oh I remember the days when I lived in an apartment in upstate NY and spent days and miles looking for calisthenics parks and gyms with adult sized bars. I’m 6’4” too so I feel your struggle. I bought a pull up/dip tower from Amazon and set it on my deck. Now that I live in a house I built my own L-shape pull-up and dip bar on our yard. Good luck OP.
@kaylen500 Have you looked around your apartment complex?

You can usually find something to do pullups from.

I've done them from hanging from a open stair. Use a piece of webbing if you want to make it easier.
@kaylen500 Feel like a shill because I always recommend it, but the Gravity Fitness pull up bar is great. I'm sure other brands do similar, it's a freestanding pull up bar that you can put up and take down in a couple of minutes, and comes with a bag so you can pack it up and put it under your bed, in a cupboard, whatever. I live in a rented flat and didn't trust the ones that go over the frame, too many creaking noises! This has been the perfect solution, I can do my stuff and not worry about damaging the property.
@kaylen500 Im not sure what you mean by pull up bars that “screw on”

Mine just sits on tops of the door frame. The bar you hold onto then presses into the other side of the door frame. It allows for neutral grip regular grip and chin up grip. It doesn’t really allow for wide grip pull ups because of how narrow the door frame is but I think with those 3 I’m pretty set.

Or you could do a free standing one.